
14 April 2009

Gift Boxes

I'm sure you have a lot of boxes in your pantry, from cereal, to granola bars to pasta. Before you roll out the red carpet towards the recycling bin for them, maybe you can consider a blah to Tada! suggestion? It's easy, I promise!

Step 1: Cut out the box tops.
Step 2: Cover the box with gift wrap.
Neatly tuck the edges & secure with glue.

Step 3:
Punch holes on the sides of the box; insert a ribbon that
will work as a handle.

Step 4: Put a gift inside the box, conceal with colorful tissue wrap
& attach a tag!

Tada! Effortless, instant gift-wrap!

Imagine how much money you'll save on pre-made boxes and gift bags
just by
recycling boxes from your kitchen cupboard.

See you again tomorrow!


  1. These are great! Your blog is 'da bomb!'. I get lots of inspiration from you. Well done, once again.

  2. Hi Vanessa! Thanks for making my day! =)

  3. Brilliant! This is a great idea...

  4. Those are fabulous! What a great idea!

  5. Dear Karen & Anna Lindsey...thanks for saying hello & for your super nice notes =)

  6. Such a fantastic idea! We posted about it on our blog and linked to you!

  7. Hello there Maggie & Rebecca...thanks so much for visiting! So glad you did some blah to Tada yourself...I am so honored! Thanks =)

  8. just p e r f e c t!!!thanks for this clever idea!!!

  9. Hi Marina! Thanks so much for visiting my blog :) I hope you'll be able to use some of the ideas!


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