
29 May 2009

Flowers in my Hair

It's the end of the week, the end of the month and spring is turning into summer. Wow, doesn't time fly so quickly?! We've been pretty productive this week at blah to Tada! making hair accessories from fabric scraps left over from last week's T-shirt re-designs. Let's see, we used the big scraps, the small scraps, heck, even the collar! So today, let's see how we can turn the bottom trim of the T-shirt from blah to Tada!

Cut the bottom edge off the T-shirt & twirl it into a circle.
Don't they remind you of flower buds?

Add some petals (also made from fabric scraps) to make them bloom!

Attach it to a barrette & you can have flowers in your hair anytime!
Wasn't that fun?

Have a terrific weekend!

28 May 2009

For a Little Girl's Locks

These are left-over fabric from last week's T-shirt transformations. They may be small but they're big help as we make our own hair accessories! Just by cutting, sewing and gluing...our blah is now a Tada!:

Dainty clips that any little girl will love!

27 May 2009


I'm making hair accessories this week and I'm using fabric scraps from last week's T-shirt Tadas!. So if you're wondering what that string-like object is up top, it's the collar of an old t-shirt. That is today's blah and here is today's Tada!:

Just by looping the string around, you'll form a pretty daisy.
Secure by sewing it in place.

Sew it on to a hair elastic and embellish with a crystal bead.
You've got yourself a cute hair tie.

I hope to see you tomorrow!

26 May 2009

A Headband for Regina

As Regina (my hairstylist) trimmed my hair, I flipped through the latest issue of InStyle Magazine. I paused. She, too, stopped cutting. Both our eyes were transfixed on a photo of a beautiful headband made of silk and taffeta. Then we saw the price -- $98! We both agreed that that was too much to pay for a headband! I told her that I could make her one. If she can do magic with a comb and a pair of scissors, I think I can do my own magic with a glue gun.

With this J. Crew headband as inspiration...

These fabric scraps from last week's T-shirt transformations...

And these headbands from Target's $1 dollar section...I'm ready to do some blah to Tada!

I cut a strip of fabric, sewed it together (left the ends open) and eased it onto the headband. It should fit like a glove. I closed the ends with hand stitching.

I cut more fabric scraps into petals.

Pile on the petals!

Bunch them up and sew them together to form a flower.

Attach the flower to the headband with a glue gun or needle & thread
and Tada!: high fashion without the high price.

I even made one in Regina's favorite color!
I hope she likes them!

25 May 2009

Crafts from Scraps

Happy Memorial Day everyone! I know you're busy picnicking, grilling or traveling so I want to thank you for stopping by today! This week on blah to Tada!, we're making fun hair accessories. What's even more Tada! is that we'll be using fabric scraps from our T-shirt projects from last week. It's my mission to recycle every little bit, piece and remnant into something fabulous.

What does the future hold for these blah fabric scraps from old t-shirts?

Sew them up into a Tada! headband!

Use a hair elastic for a flexible fit even if the fabric isn't stretchy.
And there you have the ultimate summer hair accessory!

See you again tomorrow!

22 May 2009

Fashion on Display

Horay it's Friday! I'm ending the week by showing you one of my absolute favorite T-shirts. You can't imagine how many times I've worn this and I know I can't wear it forever. So I cut it up. Sniff. I did.

Then I got myself this blank canvas...

...And mounted my favorite T-shirt on it!

While I can't wear it anymore, I get to see it every day.
And that makes me very, very happy!

Have a colorful weekend!

21 May 2009

From Shirt to Skirt

When T-shirts don't fit anymore, passing them on as hand-me-downs are the easy and most practical solution. My version of "hand-me-downs", however, involves some tweaking making even the biggest T-shirt fit the smallest member of the family.

Once an adult's T-shirt...

...Now a baby skirt!

I was thinking of making a T-shirt for a toddler but I decided a little skirt would be easier. I didn't use a pattern -- I just winged it with a pencil and ruler. Another hand-me-down idea is to make pajama pants. You'll find the demo here.

Enjoy this tiny blah to Tada! project!

20 May 2009

When the shirt doesn't fit no more

This week, it's the T-shirt's turn to go from blah to Tada!. It makes me think that this project is therapeutic for both t-shirt and the owner: the T-shirt has a new lease on life and the owner is saved from any guilty feelings ("I love you but I need to let you go"). Okay, tell me that I'm not the only one going through this kind of drama!

Blah...I don't fit into this shirt anymore and I want to put the blame on the washing machine ("It shrunk in the wash!"). Instead I'll blame it on the pizza and cheesecake ("They're too good to resist!").

I love the gray color and the cute print, complete with embroidery, beads & pailettes!

Tada! I saved the print and sewed it on this plain canvas bag.
It makes for a good weekend bag that's not available in any store!

19 May 2009

My parents traveled the world & all I got was this T-shirt

"I love New York"
"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"
"Sunny California"
"Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go to Amsterdam"
"Czech Me Out"

Destination must have at least one in your possession. I've got quite a few. Wore them once or twice -- hey, I don't like looking like an over-enthusiastic tourist! And while these shirts aren't part of my wardrobe staples, I don't have the heart to give them away. They're souvenirs I purchased myself or were given by globe-trotting family members. So what's a girl to do?

This soft, comfy shirt... now a soft, chubby pillow!

Use it to accent a dorm room or line them up on a couch to show guests where in the world you've been. See ya tomorrow!

18 May 2009


Hello Everyone! I hope you had a really nice weekend! This week on blah to Tada!, we're giving a bunch of T-shirts a make-over. I did a little spring cleaning recently and found some shirts that I haven't worn in ages but can't seem to give away. Does this ever happen to you? Sigh. So I came up with this idea because goodbye is not an option.

A favorite shirt tattered with tiny holes (beats me how that happened!).

Tada! My shirt is now a shoe bag!

I cut the shirt into two rectangles, sewed up the sides, attached a string (handle of a paper bag) on the open end and jazzed-up the front using trim from the sleeves. The owls & the tree branch are made from the collar. I even used the buttons for the owls' eyes!

Instead of sitting at the back of my closet, the "shoe bag formerly known as shirt" can join me whenever I travel!

15 May 2009

Bottled Up Emotions

We're ending a week of Handmade Hellos with another idea using an old bottle. If yesterday, the message was INSIDE the bottle, today it's going to be OUTSIDE.

Who says writing letters involves paper?
If you're feeling extra generous, put a gift inside the bottle.

Let the gift hang loose by taping it to the cover.

Decorate the cap & get ready to give!

I hope I've inspired you to keep in touch with family & friends without the use of technology. It leaves you with an energized satisfaction and the person on the receiving end will always feel extra-special.

May you have a nice weekend!

14 May 2009

Secret Message

An old bottle.

A magazine ready to be thrown away.

Tear a page from the magazine.
Use it as exotic notepaper.

Slip the letter into a non-traditional envelope.

Tada! Message in a bottle!

Hand it to a friend or ship it in a box (wrapped in bubble wrap).

Old fashioned instant messaging!

13 May 2009

Lost & Found

A ticket stub. A seashell. A penny. The daily horoscope. These are everyday items that can easily go from blah to Tada!.

I'm incorporating them into this greeting card I made -- it's all about Handmade Hellos in my blog this week.
When you open the card, you'll find these mini-envelopes.
You can make the envelopes or buy them ready-made at
the craft store (scrapbooking section).

Add a purpose to an old ticket stub to make it special.

Put some sentimental value to a vacation souvenir.

Discovered something a friend will like?
Read something that made you feel good?
Pass it on!

Picked up a penny on the sidewalk?
Share your wealth!

It takes very little to keep in touch & tell someone that you're thinking about him/her. If you can't find the words, let your little treasures do the talking.