
29 June 2010

Crazy Crayons

Hello there!

Yesterday, I told you about my shopping trip
in New York City.

Here's what I bought:

All this week, I'm featuring easy crafts
from the book with a blah to TADA! slant.

If you have children, this photo
might be familiar:

Blah, broken crayons.

The first thing we need to do is peel off all the paper.

Let's make them like brand new, shall we?

Put the broken crayons in a nonstick oven mold.
I didn't have one so I used these foil cups (which
I will keep reusing for future crayon-melting).
You can put same colors together or mix
different colors in one cup.

Put the mold in a 250 degree oven...

And wait until the crayons have melted (about 5-10 minutes).
Turn off the oven and when the oven is completely cool,
remove the mold.

I tried this other option by carefully pouring the
melted crayons into this Ikea ice cube tray.

It's not oven-proof but can hold the heat of melted crayons.

Please make sure the mold you use will be strictly relegated
to crafts & never for food items or ice cubes.

Allow to cool & harden.

TADA! The crayons easily pop out.

I layered the colors to make crazy crayons.

Warn your children that these should not be eaten.

See you tomorrow!


  1. So happy you like it Christine! Thanks for visiting. :)

  2. Love this!! We have soooooooooooooooo many crayons, that we need ideas like this one to use them (esp. the broken/repeat colors:) opposed to tossing. Thanks! And thanks for visiting my blog too:).

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog Torrie!

  4. You have such wonderful ideas Claire, I'm thinking your house must be a busy place of things happening:)

  5. That is so cool! I'd love to have crayons shaped like hearts. What a great craft for kids.


  6. Hi Claire!

    Wow these are awesome! And so cute! They'd make great decorations, but i'm sure they work great as crayons too. Sends me scheming for ideas for slivers of soap! Mind you the colours wouldn't be as neat...

    Thanks for being so creative, economical and environment conscious!


  7. u have a cute blog name! love it. thanks for dropping by my blog.


  8. What a brilliant idea, got to try this for myself! :) Looks like I'll be browsing through your archives this weekend to see what other clever things you've shared so I can play too.
    Thanks for stopping by on my blog and kind words :)

  9. Hello there Betty, Elle, Valerie, Ashley, WhilsyLoft and Veronika! Thank you for such kind comments! Happy recycling! :)

  10. What a fun blog you have. : )

  11. I really appreciate your visit Felicity! Please stop by anytime :)

  12. an idea claire?! luv it

  13. Hi Meena! An easy way to save those broken crayons. Thanks for visiting! :)

  14. Those ice cube trays that make long slender ice for water bottles would be great for this!

    1. You are right! They will resemble crayons and will be easier to grip. Thanks for the tip!


Your comments are very much appreciated!