
12 August 2011

Milk and Sugar

Our final ceramics make-over involves these two items:

A sugar bowl missing a cover

A plain white creamer

With the help of this pen, I'll turn
them from blah to TADA!

My design choice: writing the word "sugar"
in different languages.

I did the same with the word "milk".

Now even if I didn't get these as a pair,
they look like they're meant to be together.

Let them dry for a full 24 hours.

Then bake these in a 300 degree F (150 degree C) oven
for 35 minutes. This process makes the ink permanent
and the manufacturer says it can withstand the

Allow to cool before use.

Add the sugar...

...and the milk, half and half or cream,
and they're ready to make their debut
in your next dinner party.

I hope you liked my blah to TADA! project this week.

Have a sensational weekend!


  1. love them! such a great idea with the different languages!

  2. Such simple and pretty projects this week. I love it! I also love your new blog layout. Very nice. :)

  3. Claire, that's a wonderful project and now you have your own personal dishes.

  4. Hello Katie, Becca Ray and Betty! Thank you for your encouraging keeping with the languages theme of this post: Merci, Grazie, Gracias, Dank u, Domo arigato, Xie Xie :)
    Hope you gals are enjoying your weekend!

  5. So charming- I need to get myself one of those pens and get crafty! Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by Miss B! Stay fab! :)

  7. This is awesome. What a creative way to tie together random pieces to make a collection. I love it.


Your comments are very much appreciated!