
24 November 2011

Giving Thanks

We are celebrating Thanksgiving and next to Christmas, Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday. I like it because I get to participate: watching the life-size balloons at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, preparing Thanksgiving dinner {even if I'm just a guest at the party} and saying a prayer of thanks for life's provisions. How many of these things do you do when Labor Day or Memorial Day comes around? At Thanksgiving, I feel truly engaged.

"Thank You" is one of the best things anyone can ever hear and even say. That's why I'm starting a tradition of sending a thank you letter to a random person who has turned my life from blah to TADA!.

I've dipped my hand in my greeting card box and selected these Thank You cards. I already delivered them to two special people: Nurse Monika and Nurse Anne Marie. You see, I had a medical procedure in October. Don't worry, nothing life-threatening. I'm blessed to say that the procedure went well and I'm in good health. Hooray! But that was a scary period for me, filling me with anxiety. Monika and Anne Marie were kind, gentle, enthusiastic. They made me feel safe and reassured me that I was going to be alright. Isn't that what anyone needs when one is afraid? Plus they were very busy. They could have easily ignored me or taken a business-like stance, but they didn't. I just had to say THANK YOU to them and I said so in my Thank You cards.

Many people do their jobs 100% but don't get any appreciation at all. If they made your day easier and did so cheerfully, why not say THANK YOU? It's not hard at all. Thanksgiving Day is the perfect day to do it.

I hope to make this THANK YOU CARD a yearly tradition, as often as I can {not just on Thanksgiving}.

To all of you, dear readers, THANK YOU for being the TADA! to my blog and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Claire! Yes so many things to be thankful for. I'm so thankful that your procedure went well and that you are okay.

  2. Thanks so much for your concern Betty! Happy Thanksgiving! :)


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