
08 February 2013

Flags for Friends

I'm not sure how you feel about Valentine's Day. At our house, it's just an ordinary day. But I do like to craft and send some love, especially to people I don't know. Before you label me as some total weirdo, let me explain that these "strangers" are elderly New Yorkers, who, with the help of Etsy will be treated to a meal, some companionship and handmade Valentines. It's a yearly event called "Special Delivery: Share Your Love".

Here's the last of the bunch that I made:

 blah: unused chopsticks lurking in my kitchen drawer

TADA! -- instant greeting cards! 

I dressed up plain index cards and attached
these to half a chopstick with hot glue.
Bows made of yarn add a dainty finish.

These ones look like flags...if you feel the
love, wave it proudly.

May your weekend be breathtaking!

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