
26 February 2013

Tuna and White Bean Salad

My philosophy in crafting extends to the kitchen -- I don't like waste. If there's an opportunity to turn blah to TADA!, I'm on it.

Here are some of the items that seem to hang out much longer than usual in my vegetable drawer: celery, scallions, herbs and lemon. The recipes I use them for only require a few stalks or half the amount so there's always extra. I'm determined to find good use for them.  

I've been cooking from this book, and it has rewarded me with many new recipes to try, using staples that I already have. 

Today, I'm trying out a Tuna and White Bean Salad. Here's what you need to do:

Mix together one or two cans of tuna {drained} with several handfuls of beans {cooked dry beans or canned -- make sure to drain them}. Add some olive oil, a dash of vinegar or citrus juice {in my case, lemon}. Add any raw sliced veggies {like celery, scallions, bell pepper or fennel}. Add some fresh herbs or a pinch of ground dry spices {like coriander, paprika or cayenne}. And because I had an apple, I diced it up and added that, too. Serve this on greens, on toast or as a side dish.

This salad is refreshing, hearty, healthy and I'm proud to say, my fridge crisper is now clean! TADA! 

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