
02 July 2013

Love-ly Cake

I'm in the mood to make a few hearts.

 I'm using this mini cookie cutter to help me out.

Color them with red paint. Allow to dry and cut around each one.
Attach the hearts to a chopstick {trimmed to size} with hot glue. 
Then position randomly on a cake.

 TADA! A simple cake decoration
that's all about love!


  1. You know what?! If you fancy hearts now is a great time to go for it ahahah
    I explain. When Valentine's looms everyone goes heart's crazy. Like now with the flag and fireworks. It is so much that you tend to feel sick at the simple sight. Now it was a refreshing view.
    Take Care and Enjoy,

  2. Hi Teresa! You're right -- we should spread around the "seasonal decor" throughout the year. Why limit hearts just to Valentine's or bunnies to Easter? :-) Have a happy fourth!


Your comments are very much appreciated!