
28 September 2015

The Coffee Cup Artist

Hi there! Over the weekend, I was able to check out the New York Coffee Festival. It was a super fun experience with lots of coffee and tea tastings and getting to learn how to make some latte art.

Part of the event was a coffee-themed art exhibit where I came across an artist I wrote about awhile back.  Her name is Gwyneth Leech and she draws on paper cups! 

I just love her work. I think she brilliantly turns blah to TADA!

21 September 2015

Pick Punch

I hope you had a lovely weekend! I certainly did! I was on window-shopping mode and found this:

It's a craft punch that will allow you to make your own guitar picks. I wish I knew how to play the guitar. But I know a few people who do. I could make them a guitar pick with this and recycle old things like expired credit cards and plastic lids. Blah to TADA! indeed.

14 September 2015

Painting on Denim

I hope you all had a marvelous weekend. Today, I have a little painting in store for you.

I've had these panels for a while now. They are tiny squares (four inches by four inches), and instead of the common canvas material, they're made of denim. I'm pretty sure you can do a little blah to TADA! by using an old pair of jeans and mount this on wood or cardboard.

I tried out a few oil-based pens to draw on the panel but the color blended into the denim. I wanted something that would stand out. 

So I tried acrylic paint, applied with a foam brush.

I chose a palette of pastels in abstract shapes.

 And here it is, my humble artwork. TADA!

It matches this sunshiny mood board. An ode to a season that's about to end.

Happy Monday everyone!

07 September 2015

Picnic Monday

Hello there! It's a holiday where I live (Labor Day) and it's the day when we begin to bid the summer goodbye. It's a harsh reality...I really do love the summer! I'll enjoy this day outdoors and leave you with this fun picture of a picnic. It was taken a few weeks ago at Tanglewood in the Berkshires.  I love that the folks have picnic tables with a tablecloth. And a centerpiece. And wine. And a feast. 

Oh, how I would love to do this all year round.

Have a wonderful week everyone!