
08 August 2021

Personalization Using Alphabet Beads

Don't you love it when you receive a gift and your name is printed on it? Like a mug, a pendant, a pouch? It feels special -- the gift was really made for you!

Today, we're going to make this kind of gift.   

We'll spell out names using alphabet beads. They're easy to find at craft stores or dollar stores.

We'll also need these key rings. I'm recycling them from ID lanyards (those you wear at seminars and conventions) and souvenir key chains that I no longer use.

Let's also add colorful beads and cord to our list of materials. If you have twine or thin ribbon, that works, too.

Trim the cord. The length will depend on the number of beads you'll use to spell out a name. This one is about 8 to 10 inches for a six-letter name. 

Fold the cord in half and loop it through itself on the key ring.

Now the fun part! Select the letters to form your name.

Spell out the names of your sisters, your best friends, your crew, your gang, your posse.

Slide the beads onto the cord.

Add a decorative bead or two.

Make a few knots to keep the beads in place.

And knot the dangling ends to prevent them from fraying.

Presenting our handmade key chains (drum roll please)...

We made something personal with very simple materials. Definitely blah to TADA!

They make really cute gifts and can be an engaging activity for a kiddie party or crafty afternoon with the girls...TADA!

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  1. Alphabet beads are so fun! When my daughter was learning to read, we used them to make key chains and bracelets and name tags for gifts.


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