
24 December 2009

Christmas Clutch

Hello and thank you for stopping by! Are your gifts wrapped and waiting under the Christmas tree or are you still shopping and wrapping like a mad woman? If you said yes to the latter, I've got an easy gift wrap solution for you.

Reassess those bags from all the shopping you've done
and turn a blah into a Tada!

Once a plastic sack, now a gift bag!

I intentionally made it to look like an evening clutch, cutting the top part of the bag and folding it over (then sealed with tape). It can contain a shawl or shirt for my very good gal pals.

The ribbon "brooch" is fashioned from the handles plus strips from the part that I had cut off. These are held together by staples and more tape.

This makes gift packaging faster, more fashionable and you get to recycle, too!


  1. This is so perfect and adorable! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and that it's filled with lots of light, laughter, and love!

  2. Cute!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and happy holidays!

  3. Thanks and Merry Christmas Elisabelle, Brandi, Lisa and Meg!

  4. Fantastic idea! I especially love the red ribbon made from the bag handles. Many stores put out special Christmas bags- this is a perfect way to re-use them in a stylish way.

  5. Hi there Lisa and Christine! Glad you enjoyed this idea...hope you can use it for your gift wrapping projects all throughout the year :)

  6. i just found your blog today, and i literally wrapped my boyfriend's christmas gift in that same h & m bag! i love it. it's ridiculous how much some people will spend on wrapping paper.
    i'm looking forward to seeing some other posts - happy weekend!

  7. Welcome to my blog Mel! It makes my day when I find out that someone like you does some blah to TADA! Thanks so much :)

  8. ,,,oh so stinkin' cute,,,i have so many of these bags,,,someone will be getting a cute lil somethin' somethin' in one of my shopping bags a-la gift wrapped designs very soon,,,and that h&m bag does make a cute evening clutch, now lets think about this,,,maybe one of these heavier weight shopping bags i.e. trader joes, or a cute burlap-sack might make a darling lil evening clutch for the summer time,,,oooohhhh, my creative-ness is flowing like never before, thank you for helping to mix-it up again, i think it was dormant this winter but it's waking up after your inspiring blog,,,

  9. You are too kind Rebecca! Thanks and happy crafting! :)


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