
23 December 2009

Fancy Boxes

Gift wrapping is a pleasure for a lot of people. But when you have to wrap too many gifts before the stroke of midnight, the pleasure turns into pain. So I've got a suggestion:

Save these blah food boxes, cut off the box top and
wrap the box in festive paper.

Tada! You've got yourself a fabulous gift container!

Because it's essentially a box, it works well for odd-shaped gifts. The ribbon handles makes the gift easy to carry. Make these gift boxes throughout the year for birthdays and Christmas so that gift wrapping will always be a pleasure!


  1. wow I love these!!! I tried to do something similar once... but now I see where I went wrong... the strap i used was too thin.... you've used ribbon instead and a very elegant paper, which makes your bag look expensive, no one could guess its a cookie box! you're too good. Merry Christmas!!! x

  2. Those are gorgeous! I'm not sure I feel up to the work at this point, but I love the option of reusing a box to create a bag rather than buy one... so I'll be saving some of my boxes from here out. :)

  3. So happy you like 'em Nuit and Lisa! Thanks for visiting me today :)

  4. such a great idea - too late for this year, but will keep that in mind for any other occasion!


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