
01 September 2014

A Garden of Veggie Delights

So. It's September 1st today.

A blah feeling is slowly creeping in. That's because here in the US, it's also Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer. Boo! I don't want summer to end just yet. 

Also, it's September! Is it just me or is the year flying by so quickly?

I need to snap out of this little tantrum I'm having (I'm so sorry folks!) -- on to happy things and thoughts of gratefulness.

These cucumbers!

Someone who I just met gave these to me, delicately tucked in a brown paper bag. She grows them in her garden (pretty impressive, right?).

She also gave me these basil flowers. I wish you could smell them -- fresh, citrus-y, pure basil goodness.

Recipes and storage information were also generously shared (keep cucumbers on the counter for two days, refrigerate if keeping for a longer time; store the basil in a partially open plastic bag in the fridge).

I think gifts from one's garden are TADA! A true labor of love.

I've added the basil to both hot tea and iced tea, and the cucumber has been a refreshing highlight to evening salads.

Before consuming all this summer bounty -- I made a token of appreciation. 

A greeting card with a watercolor expressing my thanks. TADA!

Have a nice day and a superb September!

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