
08 September 2014

A Tomato Harvest

Happy Monday dear friends! Do you remember last week when a new friend gave me cucumbers from her garden? It only gets better.

She gave me tomatoes! 

I am astounded by her generosity. She says, "We have so much, I can't let them go to waste." I am also astounded that I was the chosen recipient. 

I heart tomatoes.

How lucky was I that I didn't have to forage for food or scramble to the supermarket in order to put dinner on the table that evening. With a few pantry staples, here's what I made: 

A Caprese salad -- a humble composition of the beautiful tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, pesto, all seasoned with salt and pepper.

But before this meal happened, I made a painting for posterity:

It started with a sketch.

Then I filled in with color.

I added some details and highlights.

Plus gratitude.

Inside, I wrote a note. I tucked the card into an envelope and handed it to her the next time I saw her. I hope she was pleased with the tomato family portrait.  

I'm now inspired to make these into a series of note cards.

For good measure, I made another version, still using watercolor this time on darker paper.

And that's this week's blah to TADA!


  1. Love your creativity! Brilliant blog idea; it's truly inspiring to see what can be done with things that we think we don't want. (Oh, and I'm in the process of writing a blog post to feature your tomato pin cushion from several years back.)


Your comments are very much appreciated!