
04 February 2024

Five Things for February

Hello everyone and hello February!

I live in the East Coast of the United States and February tends to be one of the coldest months of the year. 

winter, snow, white, cold, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Snow days in February are a sight to behold. When the ground has a fresh layer of snow and everything is white and peaceful. I like to take walks and watch the neighborhood kids build snow people or go sledding. The scene is like a postcard...TADA!

eye mask, eye compress, blah to TADA, relaxation, ideas to relax,

Because in winter, the days are shorter and all you want to do is cozy up under a throw, I like to put on this eye compress. It can be used warm (a few minutes in the microwave) or cold (keep in the fridge for a few hours). Wearing it forces you to close your eyes and be still. It's very calming after hours on the computer or reading and has health benefits, too. A face towel (warm or cold) can be an easy alternative...TADA!   

Michelle Sterling, Lunar New Year, Chinese New Year, children's book, books, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

The Lunar New Year is on February 10, and from the year of the Rabbit, it will transition to the year of the Dragon. There are many traditions that go with the celebration and I'd like to recommend this book that both kids and adults can learn from. It's called "A Sweet New Year for Ren" written by Michelle Sterling and illustrated by Dung Ho. It's about family and feasting, and there's a recipe for Pineapple Tarts...TADA!

postcard, handmade card, greeting card, penpal, snail mail, paper crafts, crafting with markers, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

It's also Valentine's Day this February. I've always believed that you don't have to be in a romantic relationship to celebrate this day. Love exists in many forms (grandparent and grandchild, best friends, aunt and niece, etc.) and Valentine's Day can be the appropriate occasion to tell them they are appreciated. This handmade postcard was sent to me by my penpal. Though we've never met, I do feel very loved...TADA!

reuse, reduce, recycle, clothes, gently used Patagonia gear, keep clothes away from landfills, Patagonia, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I stumbled upon this store in Chicago called "Worn Wear" (not a sponsored post) and I'm impressed by the intention of reselling, repairing or trading in gently used winter coats. It's the responsible thing to do to keep clothes out of landfills...TADA!

Wishing you a February that's filled with warmth and coziness!

1 comment:

  1. "Worn Wear" sounds like a fantastic place. Happy February, Claire!


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