
28 April 2024

Sketchbook Practice: Painting Shoes and Bags

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Many years ago, I wanted to learn watercolor. I took a class and watched several on-line tutorials. And I practiced. A lot. 

Looking back on my old sketchbooks, I started with flat/one-dimensional sketches and over the years, I think I've improved. I don't consider myself a good watercolor artist but I've been brave enough to show my work. It's proof that I tried and I'll keep trying until I become better. That's why I maintain a sketchbook practice and I fill it with all sorts of things like travel memories and floral sketches.

sketchbook, Sketchbook Revival, sketchbook practice, watercolor, art, birds, blobs to birds, Terry Runyan, fineliner pen, blah to TADA

Sometimes it's hard to know what to put on a blank page. But one day, I was cleaning out some junk mail and came across a shoe catalog. Shoes! That's something I've never painted before. 

sketchbook practice, sketchbook, art journal, watercolor journal, watercolor, shoes, creative practice, blah to TADA, handmade, crafts, art, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Here is my attempt at shoes that got my attention in the catalog, then when I ran out, I looked for inspiration on Pinterest

Notice that I've been attempting adding shadows, too.

watercolor, bags, creative practice, sketchbook practice, art journal, art, sketchbook, watercolor, handmade, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

On another day, I painted bags.

watercolor, bags, creative practice, sketchbook practice, art journal, art, sketchbook, watercolor, handmade, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Just one or two sketches a day, until I filled the page...TADA!

If you're feeling overwhelmed facing a blank page or starting a project you've always wanted to do, here is a little reminder:  

inspirational quote, quote about starting something, James Clear, wise words, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Keep at it. Show up daily. Try. Fail. Try again. Then applaud your efforts. It's the baby steps that turn the blah to TADA!

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