
21 April 2024

Things To Look Forward To

Hello there!

Today, I'm going to share a book that I absolutely love. It's written by Sophie Blackall who is an Australian author and illustrator based in New York. 

I was first introduced to her work in her book, Missed Connections. She illustrated stories she found in the "Missed Connections" postings on Craigslist. It started out as a blog and then became a book! Here's a sample:

"Owl Lady in the Red Dress: We both purchased owl statues today. 
You are the classy looking dame in a red dress. 
I am the mustachioed gentleman. I think we should meet up and 
discuss further wildlife decor.

I love how Sophie Blackall drew how these people would have looked in real life. She captured the feelings of attraction, regret, and hope -- maybe, these people would meet again after reading the postings.  Wouldn't that be romantic?

Sophie Blackall wrote and illustrated another book for grown-ups called "Something to Look Forward To."  She worked on it during the pandemic with this premise: Everyone needs things to look forward to -- big things and small things, on good days and on bad days; things that will buoy our spirits and make us laugh and help us feel alive. 
I think this is her most personal work yet and here are a few of my favorite things that she mentions in the book:

Item Number 2: Coffee
"When I ask people what they look forward to in life, the answer I hear
more than any other is coffee. Coffee is the boost we need to get going --
and to keep going."

Item No. 4: Baking Something for Someone
"We have carpenters working on our barn, and I look forward to baking
them muffins...I've noticed the muffin days are always more productive.
For me, that is."

Item Number 11: Drawing on Eggs
"If you have an egg in your house, you can draw a face on it.
No one will stop you. Then you will look forward to opening the
fridge. You will amuse yourself no end."

Item Number 12: A Cup Of Tea
"If coffee is the boost that propels you into the day, a cup of tea is
the soft landing when you inevitably come back down. Comforting,
reassuring, procrastinating tea. Sometimes the idea of tea will
suffice; it's enough just to put the kettle on."

Item Number 29: Rereading Favorite Bits of a Favorite Book
"There is enormous comfort in beloved, familiar books.
New books are exciting, but in times of need, I turn to old friends.
They're always there when you need them."

Inspired by these thoughts, I made my own list, too:

I look forward to SPRING FLOWERS

I look forward to GOING TO A BOOKSTORE and browsing
each aisle, with extra time at the magazine section

I look forward to WEEKEND BRUNCH


"Things To Look Forward To" by Sophie Blackall is a feel good read and a thoughtful gift for someone going through some challenges. This book might just turn their day from "blah to TADA!"

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