
16 November 2020

Gift Envelopes Made from a Paper Bag

Hello everyone! I admit to being a bit of a hoarder. I keep things because I know I'll be able to use them in the future for both practical and crafting purposes.

Gift Envelopes made from a paper bag
Take this paper bag for example. I can reuse it to carry stuff around. And in the past, I've used paper bags to make this, this, this, this, this and this.

Gift envelopes made from a paper bag
I like these circular patterns a lot!

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
The graphic elements really call one's attention.

I cut them into smaller pieces.

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
And trimmed around the circle.

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
I matched two circles together and added some glue on the lower half of the paper.

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
Then I attached the two pieces together! Here's the front.

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
And here's the back.

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
I can put little gifts inside like cookies or chocolates and seal it with some twine.

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
I stamped on a note to drum up excitement.

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
And added it to the package.

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
I can use it as a party favor for the coming holidays...TADA!

gift envelopes made from a paper bag
I hope this encourages you to reuse your paper bags into something thoughtful and instantly transform blah to TADA!


  1. These are beautiful! And not what I was expecting. You had to think outside the box, haha, literally.


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