
07 January 2024

Coffee-inspired Crafts

Are you a coffee lover? If you are or know someone who is, here is a round-up of coffee-inspired crafts that may just be as exciting as a jolt of caffeine: 

1. Sketchbook Pages 

I have a regular sketchbook practice. My intention is that if I use it often, I can improve my drawing and painting. 

sketchbook, sketchbook practice, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I use the blank pages of my sketchbook just to play.  

coffee cups, packaging design, coffee to-go cups, Do Not Feed Alligators, Modcup, Little Spain, Homecoming Coffee, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I get my inspiration from everyday objects like these to-go cups from different coffee shops I visit.

sketchbook, sketchbook practice, watercolor, colored pencils, coffee cups, packaging design, coffee to-go cups, Do Not Feed Alligators, Modcup, Little Spain, Homecoming Coffee, Coffee at Noon Coffee, Unido Coffee, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I try to capture the to-go cups as best as I could using watercolor and colored pencils...TADA!

2. Reusing Cardboard Coffee Sleeves

Those cardboard sleeves that come with coffee to-go cups...make sure to save them! They are a blank canvas that's fun to decorate:

coffee sleeve, gift-wrapping ideas, earth-friendly gift wrapping ideas, how to recycle coffee sleeves, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Here, I used collage and die-cuts to dress up the cardboard sleeve. I used it to "wrap" a gift (reusable coffee cup)...TADA! 

coffee, coffee cup, message on a coffee cup, hand lettering, Sharpie marker, gifts for Father's Day, blah to TADA, cardboard coffee sleeve, brush lettering, calligraphy, Pentel brush pen, Gelly Roll white pen, Yuengling Beer, beer can, how to recycle coffee sleeves, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

This cardboard coffee sleeve is given a new look with brush lettering. I used it to "wrap" a beer (a thoughtful gift for Dad)...TADA!

3. Coffee-stained Papers 

staining paper with coffee, uses for coffee grounds, sepia paper, aged paper, how to age paper, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

These are various kinds of paper like kraft paper, copy paper, and pages from an old book that I stained with coffee (I took the wet coffee grounds from the coffee maker and let it sit on the paper for a few hours). The coffee ages the paper with a warm sepia tone and I especially like how the degree of staining varies from dark to light.

staining paper with coffee, uses for coffee grounds, sepia paper, aged paper, how to age paper, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I experimented with other papers like notebook paper, graph paper, construction paper, and security envelopes. The patina from the coffee gives them a lot of character.

staining paper with coffee, uses for coffee grounds, sepia paper, aged paper, how to age paper, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I trimmed my coffee-stained paper into uniform squares and added more elements like rubber stamps, coffee shop stickers and labels, confetti and hand-stitching...TADA! 

scrapbook made from coffee packaging and coffee-stained paper,staining paper with coffee, uses for coffee grounds, sepia paper, aged paper, how to age paper, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I like to use the coffee-stained papers for scrapbooking, making greeting cards, and junk journals...TADA! 

4. Coffee-stained Fabric 

If you have a stash of fabric remnants, why not give them a new look by staining them with coffee? 

staining fabric with coffee, coffee-stained fabric, coffee crafts, crafting with coffee, rubber stamps and ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

The fabric on the left is the original color (white) and the one on the right was soaked in coffee (liquid) for a few hours. I rinsed the latter with some detergent and warm water then let it dry. 

staining fabric with coffee, coffee-stained fabric, coffee crafts, crafting with coffee, rubber stamps and ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I took a coffee-themed stamp (this is a bag of coffee beans) and an ink pad and pressed on some repeating patterns on the coffee-stained fabric. I can use it to sew small pouches...TADA!

5. Coffee grounds

coffee grounds, coffee, coffee crafts, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Most households have spent coffee grounds. Another crafting idea is to use it to make a coffee scrub or coffee soap. It's also a good idea to compost your coffee.

I hope you liked these coffee-inspired crafts and may they inspire you to turn blah to TADA!

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1 comment:

  1. I've used coffee to stain fabric and paper, too. I've been told cats don't like coffee grounds, so that might be a way to keep them from digging up house plants.


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