26 October 2011

A Monster on my Desk

It's all about quick & easy Halloween
decorations on my blog this week.

Today, we're using this:

A blah, empty tissue box.

See what happens when we add some
paper & cardboard cut-outs...

We made a scary monster!

Add some candy and situate it on
a table or desk.

Won't it be fun to see if kids and adults
dare to put their hand inside?

Enjoy your day!


  1. We don't have Halloween. In fact, the few attempts I made of throwing a Halloween Party when kids were small was met with a frown...

    But that idea is brilliant for kids' birthdays... I still have some cousins and nephews who are small and would flip with that idea for the gums.

    Thank you for sharing! You are a Monster... of creativity!

  2. Hello Teresa! Thanks for making me smile with your kind note :) You can definitely make this candy box scary or cute/friendly!

  3. Love this cute idea, Claire..can imagine the smiles! Whenever I throw an empty tissue box in the recycle bin I wonder what you would create..I now have my answer:)

  4. Dear Betty -- your comments ALWAYS cheer me on to think up new TADA! ideas. Thank you!


Your comments are very much appreciated!