Howdy everyone! This week, I'm writing about mood boards and how they can help you bring your projects into fruition. I know that sounds quite lofty, but a mood board is basically a blank page, a clean slate where you can tack on scraps of ideas and bits of inspiration.
Here are samples of mood boards I found on the
Pottery Barn site:

Use a mood board to plan a party.

Create designs for stationery with the help of a mood board.

Decide on colors for your home or clothing line.

Show off progress & remind yourself of upcoming activities.

Use it to prepare meals and menus.
Use a mood board to plan your wedding.
If you don't have a frame or bulletin board,
But if you have very little space, here's a tip:

blah: a 2011 desk calendar

Remove the pages so you're left with the
cardboard tent.

TADA! -- Instant mood board!
Stick on photos or in this case,
words of motivation.

Use this as your own personal cheering squad
to make your 2012 goals a reality!