08 June 2009

Travel Time

Happy Monday Everyone! Gosh, I missed you! I just came from San Francisco and I had an awesome time reconnecting with family & friends, eating like there was no tomorrow, enjoying the outdoors, trying out little cafes, popping in & out of shops and bookstores and gathering inspiration for my little blog. Thanks guys for visiting and leaving those nice notes even if I wasn't around!

Maybe you'll be traveling soon or currently planning an adventure, so this week on blah to Tada! I'll be sharing some things I love to pack when the travel bug bites.

It's highly recommended to stay hydrated even on vacation but look, all the glass & plastic bottles add up! What a blah.

Here's a Tada! solution: bring your own water bottle! Keep it empty as you go through airport security and fill it from the water fountain before boarding the flight. During the trip, as the water level goes to low, the tap isn't too far behind. Now if you find yourself in a place where tap water isn't safe, get a giant bottle of filtered water from the store and refill your smaller & re-usable bottle as necessary.

If you're a coffee lover, take your own insulated mug. If there's a coffee maker in your hotel room, make a brew and pour into the insulated mug and you've got coffee-to-go! A little rinse and you can fill the mug with water for the rest of the day.

See you tomorrow for another travel tip! Enjoy your day!

05 June 2009

04 June 2009

Working on My Tan

Hi there Sweeties!
Thank you for coming over.
I apologize -- there are no blah to Tada! ideas this week.
I'm taking a little break under my umbrella-ella-ella-eh-eh.

You can stop by on Monday.

I'll be back by then!

03 June 2009

Exploring the Outdoors

Thanks for visiting my blog today!
I'm afraid I have no blah to Tada! idea to share.
You see, I'm taking a little vacation this week.
I'll be back on Monday
, inspired & ready to craft again!

02 June 2009

Out for Brunch

Hello there! Thanks for stopping by.
I'm taking a short vacation this week.
I'll be back on Monday for fun
blah to Tada! ideas.
See you then!

01 June 2009

I'll Be Away Picking Some Flowers

Hi Everyone!
I'll be taking a little break this week
and returning on Monday for more blah to Tada! ideas.
Wishing you all a week full of sunshine and inspiration!

29 May 2009

Flowers in my Hair

It's the end of the week, the end of the month and spring is turning into summer. Wow, doesn't time fly so quickly?! We've been pretty productive this week at blah to Tada! making hair accessories from fabric scraps left over from last week's T-shirt re-designs. Let's see, we used the big scraps, the small scraps, heck, even the collar! So today, let's see how we can turn the bottom trim of the T-shirt from blah to Tada!

Cut the bottom edge off the T-shirt & twirl it into a circle.
Don't they remind you of flower buds?

Add some petals (also made from fabric scraps) to make them bloom!

Attach it to a barrette & you can have flowers in your hair anytime!
Wasn't that fun?

Have a terrific weekend!