One lovely reader recently asked for help to transform her blah business card holder into a Tada!. And that's how the blah to Tada! challenge was born. If you need some Tada! solutions using everyday blah items, send me an e-mail and I'll try my best to help you out.
Maybe you also need help organizing your thick wad of business cards that you've collected recently? Here's a crafty idea:
Blah: Sheets of cardboard & an old J. Crew catalogue.
You'll need these materials, too: pencil, ruler, a pair of scissors,
puncher, glue, a computer/printer & a big binder ring.
Step 1: Measure the cardboard to the size of a standard business card and add a half-inch allowance to its height (portrait orientation).
Step 2: Cut the cardboard. Once cut, you must have a total of 26 cards corresponding to each letter of the alphabet.
Step 3: Punch a hole on the upper left side of each piece of cardboard.
Now the fun part!
Step 4: Decorate each piece of cardboard. I opted for a "summer" look using bathing suits cut out from a J. Crew catalogue. You can choose whatever theme you fancy -- shoes, bags, flowers, food, cartoon characters...
Step 5: Print out letters from the computer & stick one letter on each piece of cardboard.

Step 6: Take out your business cards and punch each at the top left corner (make sure not to punch out important details like phone numbers & e-mail addresses). Rotate the business card if necessary.
Step 7: Insert the decorated cardboard sheets and business cards (now organized alphabetically) onto the binder ring.
Tada! Not your usual business card holder
but clean & compact just the same!
Note: You can easily add or remove a card by sliding the binder ring opening to the corresponding letter. Unlock the binder ring and attach or detach a card. Lock the binder ring once again.
Wishing you a Happy Tada! weekend!