06 January 2014

New Year, New Lists

Hello! How has the first few days of 2014 been for you?

For me, it's getting back into the swing of things, albeit in a slower pace compared to the rush of the holidays. There are still bags to be unpacked from a fun holiday trip, gifts to be distributed to loved ones we have yet to meet up with, and decorations to be put down.

I know these will get done somehow. And when they are, there are more lists to make.

This is a pretty gift from my brother and my sis-in-law. It will be home for all the lists I plan to make this year: "Things to DO", "Things to MAKE", "Random Lists" and a daily "Gratitude List". I think lists are TADA! because they keep us organized and productive.

How about you, do you like lists too?

03 January 2014

Simple Joys

May your New Year be filled with joy from the simplest of things. Finding beauty in the everyday...it's one of the ways to count our blessings. 

02 January 2014

Wishes of Peace

As we embark on the adventures of 2014, I wish that the PEACE we have inside us may never be disturbed. 

Happy New Year!

01 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2014! One of the definitions of HOPE is "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best." 

May we all be filled with hope this New year!

31 December 2013

Farewell, 2013

This year had its blahs and TADAs, but I will look at it fondly and with gratitude.

I hope your 2013 was packed with good memories and life lessons.

2014...bring it on!

30 December 2013

Glittery Snowflake

In New York City, where Fifth Avenue and 57th Street intersect, there a sparkly chandelier hangs:

It's the UNICEF snowflake. I think this is my favorite of all the holiday decorations on Fifth Avenue. It's attractive and bright. But it isn't about the commercial lure of the season that this famous shopping avenue promises. 

It's a reminder of all the children of the world that UNICEF aims to help: to stop these children from dying from preventable causes. Because really, all children deserve to experience many, many Christmases.

27 December 2013

Light and Magic

Three weeks ago, we started our holiday tour of New York City at Macy's. I guess it's quite fitting to end here. Let me share its store windows on 34th and Broadway:

A night is full of DREAMS, little one. Reach up! Take one. The meaning of Christmas is revealed on this magical night. 

 A crystalline land, behind sleeping eyes, with one lovely rule above all: SHARING is the greatest gift.

In this realm, wonder produces every shade of JOY. Happiness. Bliss. Elation. Delight. Do you see it too? 

BEAUTY elevates all things. But what is real? What is a dream? What does it matter at this time of year?

Christmas waves its MAGIC wand over a secret landscape, and all is mysteriously transformed. 

What we BELIEVE is what is possible.

Sharing and giving, joy, beauty and magic -- these make Christmas dreams come true.