14 May 2018

How to Tie A Scarf

One of the TADAs of spring are lighter jackets and the many opportunities to wear a spring scarf.

I have many of these light-weight scarves. Some of them were thoughtful gifts and the others are inexpensive purchases -- I can't seem to resist the lively prints and colors!

I have a go-to way to wear this accessory but I figured I must diversify. Of the many tutorials on how to tie a scarf, I was quite impressed with the techniques in this video. Pretty simple but a new look for each one.

How about you? How do you like to wear your scarves?

13 May 2018

Happy Mother's Day

There is a quote that goes, "A Mother is like a flower, each one beautiful and unique."

To all our dear Mothers, may you all have a relaxing day today. Happy Mother's Day!

07 May 2018

Mom and Me

Mother's Day is on Sunday and if you don't have a little token for that wonderful Mom in your life, I'd like to share this idea.

It's a craft inspiration I saw at a store.

It's a "Mom and Me" activity jar...TADA! 

Inside are little cards listing some memory-making activities.  

It's easy to replicate using an empty jar and cardstock/scrapbook paper.

This is something fun that's not exclusive for mommies and their little kids. Adult children and their moms or mom-in-law, a grandma, a favorite aunt, a godmother, or female best friends deserve this jar, too!

30 April 2018

Pretty Flowers

Just a photo for today:

A gentle reminder that life is fast, fleeting, and precious.

23 April 2018

A Paper Vase

Hi everyone! It's so nice to see you today!

On a trip to the Museum of Modern Art gift shop, I spotted these vases. They are made of paper! Well, not really. There's an actual vase inside and the outer covering is like a jacket which is made of paper.

I think it's a smart inspiration for crafting. The actual vase can be a bottle or jar, and the "jacket" can be made of paper scraps like printed scrapbook paper or gift wrapper. Or stick with plain paper with cut-outs made using a hole punch, craft punches or an X-acto knife.

I think it would be a nice accent for a desk or line them up on the table for your next dinner party. TADA!

16 April 2018

Paper Quilling

Hey, hey! Have you heard of the craft "paper quilling?" I first encountered it in the pages of Oprah Magazine

via Yulia Brodskaya

Instead of the usual photo, the article had these letters/words rendered in paper quill resulting in a colorful and 3-dimesional effect. I was blown away!  I was even more impressed with the artist behind it, Yulia Brodskaya.

Of late, I've seen a lot of paper quilling by different artists, I just had to try it out.

I sketched my initial -- a simple letter C. I drew some squiggles as a guide for the quills that I'd be adding.  

I bought this kit that included a slotted quilling tool and colorful paper strips from the craft store. All purpose glue, a toothpick, and a pair of scissors were the other tools I used.

The strips measured 5 cm (width) by 38 cm (length) and came in these attractive colors.

You can make your own strips using colorful paper cut with a pair of scissors or an X-acto knife and a self-healing mat. Extra points if you're using paper scraps!

After deciding which colors to use, I started with the outline of the letter C. I put a dab of glue on a smooth and stable surface (bottle cap), dipped my toothpick here, and using the toothpick, applied glue on the edge of the paper strip. I then used some pressure so that the paper strip attached to the sketch.

I continued using other colors.

I just followed the same process, being tidy as I went along.

The slotted tool is useful to make the quills. It has a plastic handle and a needle-like tip that has a slotted opening in the middle.

This catches one edge of the paper strip in place as you twirl the rest of the stip to make circles and other flowy shapes. A pair of tweezers or needle-nose pliers might work as an alternative.

I just pried the quills with my fingers to make them bigger and used the slotted tool to coax the paper strip to follow my design.

With an eraser, I removed any visible pencil lines.

Here is my very first paper quill project...TADA!

Hopefully next time, my circles will have less edges, I'll try out more elaborate designs, and work faster.

Have you tried paper quilling? Any tips I should know of? Thanks!

09 April 2018

Tips for Letter Writing

Hello everyone! Did you know that April is "National Card and Letter Writing Month"? I understand why it should be celebrated, for a whole month, no less! Letter writing is a dying art.

While rifling through my ever-growing paper stash, I found a leaflet with the heading, "Tips for Letter Writing", which I got from Paper Source. It has some good advice, I have to share them with you:

Express Yourself 
Hand write your letters, your penmanship, no matter how eccentric, is a piece of you. By hand writing your letters and notes, it gives the recipient something special.

Enclose a photo your recipient might have forgotten about or has never seen, or perhaps a ticket stub from the play you saw together (special materials can be photocopied, rather than sending the original) or a leaf you picked up while walking with that person. Lining your envelope with gift-wrap from the present you are thanking them for is another favorite.

From the Heart
Write from the heart, tell a story, remind them of your history together, a favorite time. Share one thing about that person that you admire -- everyone loves and needs a compliment.

Coordinate with Style
Choose beautiful paper to write on and a pen you enjoy writing with. Embellish with ribbons, snaps, brads, glitter or hole punches -- the possibilities are endless. Coordinate your postage stamp with your envelope color or the theme of your letter. If you can draw, sketch or doodle, add something from yourself.

Write, Rewrite, Right!
Email has made it easy to jot down a few words, spell check and hit send. But when handwriting a special note, use a scratch pad and draft your letter first. Check spelling and grammar. Know what you are going to say and how you'd like to write it. Save your good stationery or handmade card until you have a clean draft to copy.

Don't let any of the above frighten you. The most inportant thing of all is to just do it.

I hope you found these tips useful. There are a few more here. Happy writing!