20 August 2013

A Summer Necklace

It's very nice to see you today.

My current project: I'm turning paper bags from blah to TADA!

Right now, let's focus on the handles. Yesterday, I made a bag charm out of one and today, what about a necklace?

I'm using a few beads. These ones, however, are looking a little blah.

A few coats of paint was all they needed. I chose the color pool blue...the name itself relaxes me already! 

Let's make a loop at one end of the rope/bag handle. Secure in place with a few stitches. I used embroidery thread in yellow as an accent color.

With a needle and thread, attach the beads to the rope/bag handle in an alternating pattern.

Use as many beads as the rope/bag handle can accommodate. Doesn't this look like peas in a pod? Then finish with a few knots and a second loop on the open end.

Add a simple chain and...

 ...TADA! -- instant summery necklace.

For a little more detail:

 ...add some teardrop beads and tassels.

Sea and sunshine as an accessory...yes, please!

19 August 2013

A Makeover: Paper Bag Handles

Hello and Happy Monday!

So I have this habit of keeping shopping bags and gift pouches -- to be reused for the same purpose or for something totally unrelated. 

The gray handles of this bag has caught my fancy. Gray handles. I know. I'm bizarre like that.

I've detached it from the bag by undoing the knots. Now that that's done, let me show you the inspiration for today's blah to TADA!:

I'm making the pompom embellishment {featured in this post}.

Of course we'll need some pompoms {I chose bright neon shades}.

Attach the pompoms to the ends of the 
rope/bag handle with hot glue.

If you have some yarn lying around, you can use that, too.

Just wind it around the rope/bag handle and secure with more hot glue.

Added some more yarn and TADA! -- my own pompom embellishment!

Tie it onto a bag handle...

...and my bag has instantly turned from blah to TADA!

16 August 2013

The Edible Garden

Hey, hey, happy Friday!

I've listed a few ideas on how to turn this wooden crate from blah to TADA! 

From the many options, this is what I've committed myself to:

I turned it into an herb garden! As I've mentioned before, mini container gardening is an annual summer project of mine.

If you're interested, here's how I made it:

Drill holes at the bottom of each square.

These will serve as drainage holes {you can make them bigger}.

Add a layer of packing peanuts {recycled from the mail}.
Using pebbles or rocks is another option.

Put in a generous amount of potting soil.

Add in the herbs.

My herbs came from the farmer's market and the garden store.
These include thyme, mint, basil and rosemary.

All you need to do is remove the plant from the pot
it came in and loosen the roots before re-potting 
them in the new container.

Then water the plants. Each herb has different watering
needs {ex. daily; when the soil feels dry, etc.} that's why
I like that they're separated into compartments.

These herb labels add a little more TADA! {a good teaching
tool for kids who are learning to write, read and garden}.

When it's time to water, I like to make a roll call, "Hello, Rosemary!",
"How are you, Thyme?" {Talking to plants never hurt anyone, right?}

I've also included some cherry tomatoes and jalapeno peppers.
I'm now waiting for a happy harvest!

Have a delicious weekend, folks!

15 August 2013

Daily Provisions

I just got this wooden crate: 

And I've been making a list of how to creatively use it.
You know, blah to TADA! {even if the crate is 
already TADA! to begin with}.

 I can use it to organize produce in the kitchen.

 I always have aromatics and root veggies on hand.

 The compartments make it easy to separate each kind,
while keeping them together in one container.

 Plus, the chalk label adds a rustic touch. TADA!

14 August 2013

For A Sweet Toothed Somebody

                       Hello there! Here's a quote I stumbled upon on Pinterest:

via Pinterest
Chocolate, indeed, is TADA! It's a treat you give yourself and it's a delightful gift for anyone, especially a chocolate lover.

So remember this wooden crate that I bought? It could be a possible gift. To turn it from blah to TADA!, here's what I would add:

Chocolate! Lots and lots of chocolate! 

Just a mix of old and new faves:

Tuck them in the box with shredded paper and write a cheerful note on the chalkboard.

A chocolate gift basket that's nothing short of TADA!

13 August 2013

A Beverage Station

I fell in love with this wooden crate the moment I saw it:

 I'm showing off its versatility on the blog all this week.

Today, I'm using it for a party -- glasses, drinks, straws and a twist of citrus, you can find all of them in this crate!

Just add your most loved alcoholic {and non-alcoholic} beverages for everyone's enjoyment. TADA!