29 January 2018

A Shawl for Prayer

It's very nice to see you today!

prayer shawl ministry, watercolor, brush lettering
I'd like to talk about prayer shawls. Have you heard about these?

janet Severi Bristow, Victoria Cole-Galo, prayer shawl, prayer shawl ministry
I first learned about prayer shawls when I saw this book at the craft store. Its written by the same women who began The Prayer Shawl Ministry combining compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting. 

As the shawl maker begins his/her project, prayers are said on every stitch until its completion. Then a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent to its recipient (ex. a bride to be, a mother to be, someone who is sick or is to undergo a medical procedure). Sometimes, the recipients make new shawls to pass along to others in need thus maker and receiver feel an embrace of love and kindness. Isn't that awesome?  


As I did some research, I came across the above description. What a thoughtful present to give! But don't forget to enclose a prayer or tell the recipient why this shawl is special.

And speaking of prayer shawls, can I share mine?

shawl, butterfly shawl
It's not handmade, not knitted nor crocheted. But my Mom owned it. 

When she passed away last year, my Dad had mentioned this scarf, "Maybe you want to keep it. It's from Auntie Marcia" (Auntie Marcia was a long time friend of my Mom).

I wear it when I miss her. Sometimes I wrap it around me when I pray. Maybe the butterflies will deliver my messages up to heaven. 

And speaking of butterflies, I came across this lovely Monarch late last year. Just as autumn turned into winter and I was taking my regular walks at the park. She was the lone butterfly and I saw her on four different occasions. Perhaps she's my Mom saying "hello".  

I hope this post inspires you to make your own prayer shawls and to admire butterflies, too...TADA!


  1. Your mother's shawl is beautiful. I know you're happy to have it. I've never made a shawl before (I crochet), but when I do, it'll be a prayer shawl because it's a lovely and loving idea.

    1. Thank you Priscilla! A prayer shawl is such a meaningful craft to make and give!

  2. Nice Post!

    Recently, I have bought a Jewish prayer shawl that I have ordered from Jerusalem. It looks so beautiful and silky.

  3. I came across your beautiful blog post, "A Shawl for Prayer," and I must say I was truly touched by the heartfelt story and the creative transformation of the shawl. Your blog is such a source of inspiration!


Your comments are very much appreciated!