Good day everyone!
One time on Twitter I followed a thread that began with this tweet: "If there are adults out there, who like me, own a pencil case - make contact. You are my people."
The tweet garnered more than 15,000 likes, more than 200 retweets and more than 1,000 responses. Here are my favorite ones:
I could truly relate. I felt very understood. These pencil-case-loving-adults are my tribe!
So if you could indulge me, I'm showing you the pencil cases that I own.
This skinny pencil case is a souvenir from a trip to London. It has the basics I need: a black marker, a highlighter, a sign pen (for letter writing), a black ballpoint pen, a red ballpoint pen, and a pencil.
This is my pencil case for writing and editing. The little wrestler figurine is my writing totem as I've described here. I got the canvas pouch from Michaels many years ago.
This pencil case is reminiscent of elementary school. It doesn't have the bells and whistles like a pop-out sharpener or secret compartments but I found it too cute not to take home. I spotted it at a department store in the Philippines.
One side has ballpoint pens, a highlighter and a ruler.
The other side has a Hello Kitty non-sharpening bensia pencil, a glue pen (to seal envelopes or for simple scrapbooking and journalling), a retractable eraser, foldable scissors, and some tape flags.
This pencil roll (given by a dear friend) holds all my watercolor supplies like brush pens, Micron pens, and pencils.

But sometimes I use this pencil case, too, to hold all the materials I need to create watercolors while traveling. The canvas pouch was also purchased from Michaels many years ago.

This pencil case is for all my hand lettering supplies. It's really a vanity kit that I repurposed. I like that it has many pockets.

See how much it can carry?
This personalized pencil case (also given by another dear friend) corrals together all my Sharpie pens.
When I was in high school, I owned something similar to this metal pencil case.
Instead of pens, I use it for my crochet hooks.
All these school and office supplies plus materials for arts and crafts may well be an addiction. But they help me create. The pencil cases help keep them neat and organized. I call that "blah to TADA!"
By the way, if you have pens that no longer write/empty of ink, please recycle them responsibly.
I collect mine in a plastic bag and when I've accumulated a good number, I'll send them here for proper recycling.
Thanks for reading and see you again next week. If you haven't yet, please subscribe here for more "blah to TADA!" ideas straight to your inbox.
When I was a kid, I made my parents a pencil holder out of an empty can and some wrapping paper. It's not a pencil case, but it's still an organizer. I can't wait until my grandson is old enough to make me one.:-)