17 April 2022

Let's Take Care of Mother Earth

Howdy folks!

Earth Day is on April 22. May this date remind us that we should take good care of Mother Earth not just for one day but each and every day. Forest fires, floods, and sharks swimming close to shore are just some examples of how climate change is endangering our home.

We're all in this together and if we each do our share, we'll make Mother Earth safer for years to come. Here are some of the little habits that I promise to do:

reduce, reuse, recycle, Earth Day, blah to TADA

These are simple enough to incorporate in my regular routine, they're almost second nature.

A shoutout to companies all over the world that are doing their share for Mother Earth:

LEGO making bricks out of recycled plastic...TADA!

MATTEL's PlayBack program will turn materials from toys that have lived their useful life into recycled materials for new products...TADA!

Plastic bottles are being recycled to make clothes, eye glasses and sunglasses, sneakersshoes and bags...TADA! 

Also, here are a few more ideas on what we can do for Earth Day that we can practice everyday.

Meanwhile, I'll keep crafting by upcycling cardboard, glass, paper, fabric and other materials that I can turn from "blah to TADA!"

Let's all have a productive week!


  1. Since Legos are so popular, I'm glad to hear they are made of recycled plastic nowadays. I also like the idea of Mattel's PlayBack program. I hope you had a nice Easter, Claire!

    1. Cool, right?! I did have a beautiful Easter, Priscilla. I hope you did, too!


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