How is it July already? Let's relish every day with a good mix of work and leisurely activity!
The beach we frequent in the Jersey Shore always puts up this installation during the Fourth of July. It's the American flag made from painted red, white, and blue seashells...TADA! I applaud the creativity and patriotism for all beach-goers to admire and enjoy.
There's no such thing as too much ice cream and gelato, would you agree? A visit to our local ice cream shops like Dairy Queen and Van Dyk's help beat the heat and are always a welcome treat...TADA!
At home, I like brewing iced tea by mixing different tea bag flavors (this one is pomegranate and cranberry with black tea and honey). Sometimes I add some fresh fruit like berries and peaches for some natural sweetness (or tartness)...TADA!
Summer reading! Don't you love it? I borrow most of my books from the library and sometimes they have a library sale (for as low as $1). When I'm done, I donate my books to The Little Free Library...TADA!

If you're looking for a summer craft with the kids or your friends, try tie dye t-shirts...TADA! You can find the tie dye tutorial here. Make summer memories with cute souvenirs to keep.
May your July be calm, cool, and creative!
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