15 September 2024

Sending You A Piece of My Heart

In 2017, I did a small scale art project called "Art in the Heart." I used watercolor paper cut into 4" x 6" rectangles. Then I made hearts by tracing a heart-shaped cookie cutter. With watercolor, I decorated each heart in many different ways:

hearts, painted hearts, watercolor, watercolor paper, sketchbook practice, greeting card, scrapbook paper, rubber stamps, ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Some were abstract and some had little things I love: flowers, popsicles, and colorful fish. 

It was a very therapeutic exercise and I have a body of work that I can be proud of. Over the years, however, they remained in a drawer, forgotten until I accidentally found them en route to retrieving something else. I looked at the stack of hand-painted hearts and told them, "I have to give you away."

hearts, painted hearts, watercolor, watercolor paper, sketchbook practice, greeting card, scrapbook paper, rubber stamps, ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Let me show you how I provided them with a new look.

glue, scissors,hearts, painted hearts, watercolor, watercolor paper, sketchbook practice, greeting card, scrapbook paper, rubber stamps, ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I trimmed the paper to emphasize the heart shape.

hearts, painted hearts, watercolor, watercolor paper, sketchbook practice, greeting card, scrapbook paper, rubber stamps, ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I added floral elements (cut out from printed scrapbooking paper) and hand-stamped birthday greetings. I attached these to the heart with white glue. The layering of paper is so much fun!

hearts, painted hearts, watercolor, watercolor paper, sketchbook practice, greeting card, scrapbook paper, rubber stamps, ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Before sending it off, I'll write a personalized message at the back of the heart. Then I'll put it inside this reusable plastic sleeve together with other goodies like heart-shaped stickers and handmade bookmarks...TADA!

hearts, painted hearts, watercolor, watercolor paper, sketchbook practice, greeting card, scrapbook paper, rubber stamps, ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

These hearts have a new purpose...they are now birthday cards that I can send to my dearest friends.

hearts, painted hearts, watercolor, watercolor paper, sketchbook practice, greeting card, scrapbook paper, rubber stamps, ink pad, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I feel these hearts are appropriate for birthdays because every time I send a greeting card, a piece of my art and a piece of my heart always goes along with it. I hope it will turn my friends' special days from "blah to TADA!"

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