01 September 2024

Five Things for September

Hello there September! Summer is winding down and slowly, we transition to a new season.

World Trade Center, New York City, US flag, Manhattan skyline, September 11, 9/11, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

In September, we remember. We remember all the lives lost during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This Tribute in Light, done every year, shines brightly where the World Trade Towers used to stand.  It honors the brave heroes of that day and symbolizes New York's unbreakable spirit.  

Bic ballpens, Elmers glue, Elmers glue stick, Up and up glue,  colored pencils, craft supplies, office supplies, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

September also means back to school. While I've not been a student in many, many years, I love the feeling of new beginnings. I also love back to school shopping! I avail of the bargains at the shops to replenish frequently-used supplies my home office and craft stash...TADA!

Outdoor brunches during the cooler temperatures of September are a lovely luxury. Of course, sausage and eggs, pancakes or French Toast, and coffee are my top choices on the menu...TADA! 

clothing swap, recycle clothes, textile recycling, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias
PopUp Swap photo from last year (2023)

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be dedicated to spring. We can do it all year round! When I switch out my summer clothes to autumn dressing, I put aside clothes and accessories that I no longer use. I usually donate them at the thrift store but I found about clothing swaps like this one from PopUp Swap. Maybe there's something similar in your city? You'll never know who might find use for what you no longer need. Plus, we all get to save clothes from the landfill...TADA!

normal day, ordinary day, simple joys, count your blessings, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

And finally, sharing this piece that I found serendipitously but truly resonate with. Let's all cherish ordinary, normal days!

Have a sweet, sweet September!

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