09 March 2025

Decorating a Canvas Pouch with Rubber Stamps

Hey guys! I was going through my photos and realized I haven't shared this adorable craft with you. 

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

We turned plain canvas bags from blah to TADA!

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

The workshop was held at a Japanese supermarket in my town, where children and adults could participate. We  paid a small fee that included all the materials. 

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

We got to choose a bag to decorate: canvas tote, drawstring pouch, or zippered pouch. 

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

We were free to use rubber stamps made by Japanese artist Acha Hanko and a colorful array of ink pads.

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

The first step is to lay the bag flat on the table and decide how you'd like to print on it. 

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Tap the rubber stamp on the ink pad several times, making sure the entire design is covered with ink.

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Before stamping it on the canvas bag, make a test print on paper to check if the rubber stamp was properly inked. Tap the rubber stamp on the ink pad again and stamp the design directly on the fabric.

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I chose to design a canvas pouch, just stamped randomly with these Japanese characters.

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I was going for full coverage on both sides of the pouch. 

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I even stamped on the inside of the pouch to always remind me of where I made it...TADA!

sponge, how to clean rubber stamps,rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

After use, dab the rubber stamps on a damp sponge until the rubber stamp is clean and no longer has traces of ink. Let the rubber stamps dry on a towel, a courtesy for the next user and to keep rubber stamps in excellent shape.

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

To seal the design, our canvas bags were ironed (a thin piece of cloth was put between the bag and the iron to protect it).

rubber stamps, ink pad, Mitsuwa, Acha Hanko, Japanese crafts, fabric crafts, stamping crafts, canvas bag, carved stamps, iron, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Here is how I transformed a plain canvas pouch from blah to TADA!

Apart from rubber stamps, we can decorate canvas pouches with patches, embroidery and more embroidery. Also, if you'd like to carve your own rubber stamps, there's a tutorial here and here.

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02 March 2025

Three Thoughts for March

The month of March has marched right in and it always reminds me to be hopeful.  

1. The Spring Blossoms Begin to Appear

At the end of March, greenery begins to erupt from the ground after a dark winter. I always get excited when I first see a daffodil beginning to bloom. The earth turns rosy with color, a powerful reminder of the cycle of life.

spring, spring flowers, yellow, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

2. The Church Bake Sale 

At our local Church, there's always a bake sale in March. One can participate as a baker (make and donate some sweets) or come in to support the cause by buying (and eating) the yummy baked goods. It's a lively community gathering and the proceeds help restore and maintain the Church...TADA!

bake sale, baked goods, church fund raising, thank you, food packaging, cookie, chocolate chip cookie, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Maybe you have something like this in your neighborhood that you can help with or why not start one for a good cause?

3. Donations to the Food Pantry 

During the pandemic, a lot of these community food pantries were created to share resources for those facing food insecurity, and many of these have stayed up. It's a place to take what you need or leave extras, no questions asked. 

Galanz Refrigerator, food pantry, Brooklyn, red fridge, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias
A broken fridge repurposed as a food pantry in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

I came across this thoughtful list and had to share it, in case there's a food pantry near where you live: 

food pantry, food bank, food insecurity, community, blah to TADA, Sami Kle

This March, let's bring value to our community. Kindness and compassion always turn everyone's day from blah to TADA!

You may subscribe here if you'd like my future blog posts delivered straight to your inbox and you can follow me on Instagram for more crafty ideas.

23 February 2025

Art Journaling: Lessons from Dina Wakley

I've fallen in love with art journaling. When I don't have the words to express my feelings, bringing them to life through sketching, painting, and collage in my art journal is very satisfying. I try to keep at it regularly, making it a practice.

I also like learning new techniques from experts like Dina Wakley, a mixed media artist and teacher, who has her own product line and she's also an author 

Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

One of her books that I found at the library is Art Journal Courage. I like that the subtitle is "Fearless mixed media techniques for journaling bravely." Fear and self doubt are real and in many instances, they get in the way for us to even try.  

Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

This is Dina's pep talk for us. Here's to overcoming all our fears!

Now, let me show you an art journal page that I made based on one of the projects in the book ("Painting the portrait" on pages 42 to 45). 

old book, Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I'm using an old book as my art journal. The printed page and pictures add character but I wanted the words on this page to be less visible. I covered it with two coats of acrylic paint using a paintbrush. Then I let the page dry. 

old book, Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I'm still in the stage of experimenting with gesso and I applied a small amount on top of my page. Notice that I decanted my gesso in a squeeze bottle (empty bottle of glue) so that I can easily control the amount. 

old book, Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I used an expired gift card/rewards card to help spread the gesso on the page. I find this better than using a paintbrush because it covers a bigger surface and allows for an even layer. I let this dry for a few minutes.

old book, Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Then I brushed on some paint. The under layers of white paint and gesso gave the paint some texture...TADA!

self- portrait, old book, Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I sketched a self-portrait and added paint to enhance the hair and skin tone. She doesn't look anything like me but I keep reminding myself that with practice, I'll eventually get a closer resemblance. Practice over perfection.

self-portrait, old book, Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Then I included some collage at the bottom left of the page. I also added some journaling: "I am grateful for my body's ability to heal from infection and disease. Thank you body!"

I made this at a time I had COVID-19. The red side symbolizes the infection and the green side represented healing. I wanted to honor my body for its strength and resilience, and that I should never take good health and wellness for granted.

On this page, I was able to express feelings of vulnerability, the lack of control, also relief and appreciation. 

self-portrait, old book, Dina Wakley, Art Journal Courage, art journal, journal, sketchbook, sketchbook practice, gesso, watercolor, acrylic paint, paint brush, collage, art, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

This is how I turned a journal page from blah to TADA!

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16 February 2025

A New Look for an Old Tin Container

In previous blog posts, I have shown you different ways to repurpose tin containers. I've made them into  a recipe box, gift box, twine canister, recycling bin, and travel tin for watercolor paints

I'm constantly challenging myself to turn tin containers from blah to TADA!

How to repurpose tin container,tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

A friend living in Hong Kong gave these to me a few years back to celebrate the autumn equinox. They are two small square tins.

How to repurpose tin container,tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Inside is a personal portion of Mooncake. Mooncakes are traditionally exchanged among family, friends, or co-workers to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, a season of harvest and moon watching. 

The Cantonese Mooncake is a popular variety. It's a round pastry, with the symbols for "longevity" or "harmony" embossed on top, and the filling is either made of lotus seed paste, red bean paste, or yolks from salted duck eggs. It tastes very rich and even if it's a cake, it's not sweet at all.  

Once the tasty Mooncakes were eaten, I had empty tin containers on hand.

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

After cleaning them, a few coats of paint "erases" any branding on the square tin containers. It took me about 5 coats of paint for each tin for an even finish. Make sure to leave drying time in between each coat of paint.

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Here are the painted tin containers...TADA! 

They already look cute as is, but adding some designs will make them even more special.

Today, let's decorate the yellow tin container.

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Let's experiment with cling stamps, an acrylic stamp block, and an ink pad with washable ink. 

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

If you've never used cling stamps, take the design you want to use. One side will be sticky -- attach this side on the acrylic stamp block. It makes for a sturdy base, easier to hold, and because it's clear, it's more convenient to center on the item you are stamping. 

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Ink up the stamp by tapping it on the ink pad, making sure to cover the entire design with ink. 

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Test it out on scrap paper. The design should be evenly inked. 

Apply more ink by tapping the stamp on the ink pad before stamping again. 

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Here is my first try stamping the design on the lid of the tin container. It's NOT evenly stamped. Good thing the ink is washable. I was able to erase it with a damp towel. Let the tin container dry quickly (to avoid rust) and completely (no traces of water) before stamping again (using a freshly inked stamp).

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

Success on my fourth attempt...TADA! Allow this to dry or apply heat from a heat gun for a smudge-free finish.

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

This is what the tin container looks like...TADA! I can use it as storage for small craft items.

tin container, recycle a tin container, paintbrush, acrylic paint, cling stamps, ink pad, acrylic stamp block, birds, storage containers, blah to TADA, crafty recycling, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

And that is how I turned an empty Mooncake tin container from blah to TADA!


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09 February 2025

Pop-up Envelope with a Paper Heart

February is always associated with Valentine's Day. While some think it's just a commercial holiday and others don't celebrate it at all, I have always believed in expressing your love, even in non-romantic ways.  

rubber stamp, heart, craft materials, Valentine Cards, Valentine crafts, paper crafts, blah to TADA, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias

I got this rubber stamp from the craft store at a deeply discounted price (last year's end-of-Valentine's Day sale...TADA!). I love all the angles, a heart that's not typical.  

Terrain, stationery, paper goods, flowers
via Terrain

Inspired by this photo, I'll attempt to make a pop-up envelope, too.

blah to TADA, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

I dabbed the rubber stamp on my ink pad (I've had this for years and I revive it using this ink applicator) and stamped it on a piece of white cardstock

blah to TADA, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps,Valentine card,Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

Then I tinted the different triangles within the heart using colored pencils. With a pair of scissors, I cut off the excess paper surrounding the heart.  

blah to TADA, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps,Valentine card,Valentine crafts,Valentine's Day

I found a readymade envelope but we can also make our own using this tutorial or this tutorial. I marked the center of the envelope with a ruler and a pencil. This is where the pop-up element will go.

blah to TADA, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

I cut a small piece of cardstock. This one measures 2.8 inches long and 3/4 inches tall. I folded the cardstock in the center, and then folded both ends, about 1/2 inch.    

blah to TADA, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

I attached one end of the cardstock to the center of the envelope. I applied glue to one of the folded ends.

blah to TADA, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

I took the other end of the cardstock and glued it on the opposite side of the envelope. The cardstock should look like this, the folded center facing you. When the flap of the envelope is closed, this part should not be sticking out. Once attached securely, erase any visible pencil marks.

blah to TADA, glue stick, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

Then I took my paper heart and glued it to the bottom part of the cardstock.

blah to TADA, glue stick, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

I also added a few hearts using my colored pencils, transforming the background from blah to TADA!

blah to TADA, glue stick, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

See how it now resembles a pop-up card?

blah to TADA, glue stick, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

Here's another angle...TADA!

blah to TADA, glue stick, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

You can put these little love notes inside. Words of encouragement never go out of style.

blah to TADA, glue stick, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day

You can put whatever your heart desires inside the envelope: a handmade card, a gift card, or a small gift...TADA!

blah to TADA, colored pencils, envelopes, heart-shaped stamp, hearts, ink pad, paper, paper crafts, photo by Claire Mercado-Obias, pink, pop-up card, pop-up envelope, rubber stamps, Valentine card, Valentine crafts, Valentine's Day, washi tape

This is what the envelope looks like when it's closed (and sealed with washi tape). The surprise is just waiting to be revealed.

And that is how I turned plain cardstock and a regular envelope from blah to TADA!

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