09 August 2010

A Week of Bottle Caps

Did you have a lovely weekend ladies?
I must say I did. Beautiful, sunny weather
seems to equal a beautiful weekend!

Nothing major really.
A good book, a slice of pie & a root beer
are just the right ingredients.

Root beer has been a treat for me this summer,
leaving me with lots & lots of bottle caps.

I keep the caps in a little zipper bag &
brainstormed how I could turn these
from blah to TADA!

It's funny how the universe whispers
the answers.

A few Fridays ago, I visited the American Folk Art Museum
located in New York City.

What an eye opener -- the works on display
had so much love infused in them from
paintings, to tapestry and even sculpture!

It's a museum for the crafter.

Take a look at this piece:

It's called "Bottle Cap Snake" by Ron Rodriguez.

The plaque beside it says that the artist "combines the
woodcarving skills of his family lineage with a common
practice in folk art: recycling. Transforming material
from its original use to a new one distinguishes many
vernacular objects valued as folk art."

Gasp! I love to recycle! Does that mean
I'm a folk artist?! Hee hee, I can dream, can't I?

Anyway, back to my bottle caps:

So blah.

But now...TADA!

The images are magazine cut-outs and
attached to the inside of the bottle caps with glue.
Magnets are secured at the back end with a glue gun.

Use these for your fridge or a magnetic white board.
Another alternative is putting tacks instead of magnets,
to dress up your cork boards.

More ideas tomorrow!

06 August 2010

Hang It Up

We made it! It's finally Friday!
I hope you all had a productive week.

These wire hangers had the pleasure of a
blah to Tada! transformation everyday this week.

Like yesterday's project, we'll re-shape the hanger
and keep its purpose of hanging stuff.

TADA! Turn it into a mood board.

Use clothespins to display magazine clippings
and other inspirational sheets of paper.

This particular one is for cooking ideas.
{I'm planning to bake a batch of butter cookies &
then frosting them for an upcoming picnic.}

Here's one for future brides -- a place to
pin up your favorite wedding details.

I'd make one, too, containing ideas for
everyday dressing...very helpful
on days when "I have nothing to wear!"

By bending one end, it can hold
artwork without the need for a frame.

A bunch of these on an empty wall is
a wonderful way to display your kids' doodles --
art gallery style!

Have a lovely weekend!

05 August 2010

Belt Central

All this week, I'm creating a new look for this wire hanger:

Here's how we'll turn it from blah...

...to TADA!

A few bends on both ends --
it's now a nifty belt hanger.

You can hang up to 5 belts per hanger
without distorting the hanger's shape.

Organize your belts based on color,
style or frequency of use.

If you're not a big belt fan,
use this for your sashes,
scarves and shawls.

See you tomorrow!

04 August 2010

Wire + Paper

I hope you're having a terrific week!
Today, I've got another wire hanger transformation.

Blah: wire hangers from professional cleaners

Tada!: A pretty paper chandelier!

I straightened the wire hanger,
cut it into two using a wire cutter;
one longer than the other.
Then shaped each piece into a circle.
Ends secured tightly with tape.

The handle and connectors are
made of invisible thread/fishing line.
These were decorated with paper flowers,
punched out from old envelopes
and scrap paper.

This can add a touch of whimsy
to any room or can be used as
a party decoration in lieu
of balloons & buntings.

03 August 2010

Into the Garden

This week, I'm recycling these blah wire hangers:

And like yesterday's project,
they're going from the closet to the garden.

TADA! I turned the wire hanger into a
plant stake.

They act as a support to keep my tomato plants
from drooping as they grow.

I "tie" the body of the plant to the
stake with twisty ties -- you know, those
wire thingies that keep cords {electronics}
bundled up.

See you tomorrow!

02 August 2010

Wire Hangers

Happy New Week Lovelies!

Do you have wire hangers around your house?
We've got quite a few, and while they are useful
for some clothes, for others, they leave
little corners on the shoulder areas.
They also don't hold clothes very
well -- dresses easily slip off.
What a blah.

So this week, I've concocted
some ideas to turn them
from blah to TADA!

Straighten the hangers and cut them
into pieces using a wire cutter.

You'll also need a piece of Styrofoam
{from supermarket/on-line packaging},
scissors and a glue gun.

Cut the Styrofoam into the desired size,
write the name of your garden plants
and puncture the bottom of the
Styrofoam with the wire stick.
Secure in place with hot glue.

Tada! Instant plant labels!

They're not only decorative,
they also politely introduce themselves
to visitors to your garden.

Have a wonderful day!

30 July 2010

Gift Enclosed

This week, I told you about the Benevolent Postcard Society. Even if you aren't a member, I hope it inspires you to write a postcard on your next holiday or make one for a friend's birthday.

Next week, it will be August and I'll be mailing another postcard. I wonder who it'll be for? But I'm not wondering what postcard I'll be sending out. Wanna see?

Remember this box I made a few weeks ago?
I'm putting my postcard inside!

"What postcard requires a box?", you say?
Well, this one's three-dimensional!

Blah: an empty decorative tin that
used to hold a jar of the most luscious
dulce de leche from Argentina.

It's so cute, I had to find a new use for it!

You can open it two ways.

I printed out a blank vintage postcard.

Then removed the original label from the can
and replaced it with the postcard.
{I'll attach the real one with a more personal
message once I get my pen pal's name}

And I just had to tuck a gift inside:

Tada!: A set of jacks!

Enclosed also are the instructions on
how to play jacks... to refresh her memory
or to teach her how to play if it wasn't
a childhood game for her.

My postcard fits perfectly inside the box.
Who says postcards need to be flat?
I can't wait to mail it!

Please do something fun this weekend.
Enjoy everyone!