19 September 2016

Luscious Lemon Curd

Hello there! I don't know about you but citrus fruits make me happy.

The colors evoke sunshine and depending on the fruit, so does the taste. 

If life gives you lemons, I say make lemon curd

Top it on yogurt or baked goods like scones and pound cake. Put it in a pie. Make it part of your frosting. It's a little bit sweet, a little bit tangy. TADA!

12 September 2016

Embroidered Botanicals

A sign on display at a craft store said, "Crafting is cheaper than therapy." In many ways, I think it's true. Crafting keeps you focused, mindful and the repetitive motion calms you down. If you craft with like-minded folks, even better -- you can chat while you craft! And the finished piece is a reward in itself.

That's the reason why I take time to craft. 

Here's an easy one that can be accomplished in one sitting.

It starts with some fabric. It doesn't matter what kind. Even fabric remnants will work. Be sure to use an iron to get the wrinkles out.

Mount the fabric tightly on an embroidery hoop and trim the excess.

Draw some of your favorite prints. I chose these simple botanicals.

"Color in the lines" using embroidery thread.

Play around with different colors and stitches. It doesn't have to be perfect.

And here is my hand-stitched art ready to be put on display. TADA!

05 September 2016

Decorated Tins

Let's start this week's craft with a photo collage:

Decorated Tins

I love how these tins are decorated with painted swirls and flowers. Even 
if they're mass produced, the packaging still gives a handmade touch.

I'm using these as inspiration for turning some tea tins from blah to TADA!

 Such a shame to throw these away now that they're empty.

Gift wrap (or a pretty print torn from a magazine), scissors and 
double-sided tape are all we need to give the tea tins a fresh look:

Aren't they cute? 
I would use them as storage for treats like candy.

 Or for crafting tools like pens and craft stamps. TADA!

29 August 2016

Wooden Gift Tags

Hello and thank you for dropping by!

I found these wooden gift tags on clearance at a party store. I know they're a good foundation for some blah to TADA!

They come in different shapes and sizes.

I tinted each one with paint.

I used watercolor for a light wash and let the colors bleed into each other.

Aren't they pretty?

Once dry, I wrote some messages on the tags with a felt-tip pen.

And here they are, adding some personality to brown paper packages:

Have a colorful week everyone!

22 August 2016

Visual Inspiration

Hey, hey, nice to see you today!

Instead of crafting, let me share some beautiful images I stumbled upon:

via Aloke Design

via Aloke Design

via Aloke Design

via Aloke Design
I hope these illustrations inspire you -- to travel, to draw, to do something creative. Have a nice day!

15 August 2016

Good Friend, Good Gift

The girls I call my BFFs (Best Friend Forever) live many miles away from me. "Far" like you need to ride an airplane (sometimes even two or three more). There are days I wish I could hangout with them -- have a long lunch, get our nails done, go shopping. It's tough, but thank goodness for technology! It makes keeping in touch a breeze. 

On special occasions, I like to send my dearest friends some snail mail. Of course there's some blah to TADA! involved.

I instantly liked this empty box.
It has a window and a pull-out tray.

I erased the label printed on the window with some nail polish remover.

Do you know where this is going? My box is already looking like a picture frame.

I trimmed some watercolor paper so these could fit inside the box.

Then I added color to the paper, inspired by the sunset and waves on the beach.

I glued everything together inside the box.

A sketch of me and my bestie.

This is the "picture" that goes inside the "frame".

I wrapped a little present, something tiny yet thoughtful like a pair of earrings or a pendant.

Then I added this to the box (I used double-sided tape).

A frame celebrating friendship with a gift enclosed. TADA!

I'll just add a handwritten note and it's ready to mail!

08 August 2016

A Snack Box for the Guest Room

If you have visiting guests, this craft is right up your alley. 

I'm turning this empty clementine crate from blah to TADA!

It's made of wood, it's quite sturdy, and it's the right size for storing snacks.

I painted the box with a foam brush using matte black paint. I made a total of 5 coats allowing drying time in between.

Once dry, I applied some hand-lettering with a small paint brush and ivory acrylic paint. 

The last step is to add some snacks like chips and chocolate, but have a variety including granola bars, crackers, and fruit. It would be a good idea to tailor-fit the selection depending on your guests. Do they have dietary restrictions? Are there kids?

This snack box says "Welcome to our home, please enjoy your stay". TADA!

If you're interested, you'll find another clever use for a clementine box here.