18 April 2016

Buttercream Cupcakes

Today, let's talk about cakes. There's a current cake trend that I am absolutely head over heels in love with. They're made of buttercream flowers. Here, take a look:

100일 케익_감동을 주는 나나케이크 여친선물!! by.나나 : 네이버 블로그:
via Nana Cake

10 Flower Cakes for Spring | including this design by Eat Cake Be Merry | on TheCakeBlog.com
via The Cake Blog

Floral Wreath Cake:
via bossacafez

Aren't these breathtaking? Who would not love to receive a cake like this? I wanted to try my hand at making these, perhaps in a smaller scale using cupcakes.

I made some frosting, tinted it with some food color, and piped different kinds of flowers (on a square of parchment paper). You'll find lots of tutorials on making buttercream flowers like here and here. Then I put the tray of flowers in the freezer to help set them up and makes them easier to handle. 

Then I put them on top of cupcakes (the cupcakes had a thin layer of white frosting). Because the flowers came from the freezer, I just peeled off the parchment square and gently placed each flower on the cupcake. I used a spatula to help me. Then I piped some leaves in the empty spaces.

It was my first attempt and I'm quite pleased with the results. It's a lot of work! But this style of frosting turns any cake or cupcake from blah to TADA!

11 April 2016

Forever Blooms

Just as the flowers are starting to bloom, I've plotted an evil way to preserve them. I apologize for the villainous thoughts, but reminders of spring are what I want to hold on to when the winter months roll around.

Here are some flowers, pressed in between newspaper and weighted with books. I like how the colors remain vibrant!

Adding them to trimmed cardstock allows these dried beauties to shine. Just attach them with glue and let dry for a few hours.

They make nice gift tags or a little surprise tucked inside a book or lunch box, left on a desk or computer monitor. TADA!

I hope you'll get to spread (and receive) some love this week!

04 April 2016

Treats for Sharing

I love to bake! I'll bake something whenever I have the chance or if some bananas need rescuing.

I'm always up for trying a new banana bread recipe.

And the one I made is from this book. A healthier alternative is a good option, don't you think? 

The white sugar is reduced in favor of overly ripe bananas. They give a deep, caramel flavor. Each bite was moist and the walnuts added the right crunch.

What's the use of baking if it isn't shared?

With the help of some paper bags...

And some hand-stamped labels...

Slices of banana bread became ready for gifting.

Don't forget to write what's inside.

I bet these will turn my friends' day from blah to TADA!

28 March 2016

Decorating a Shelf

Hello there lovelies!

I'm in the process of spring cleaning and re-decorating. And if like me, you live in an apartment, every inch of space is precious.

Little nooks like the space above a door are prime real estate. It's a good place to add a shelf! 

I have a lot of books. They are useful references and add soul to a home.

If you'll notice, I have a travel theme going on here.

On each end are framed postcards from two of my favorite cities, Paris and London. The vase, I think has so much character on its own.

Creating a space for objects that hold a lot of meaning, I think that's blah to TADA!

27 March 2016

Happy Easter

What a beautiful day for new beginnings! I received an Easter greeting in the mail and I just have to share it with you:

Isn't it lovely? This thoughtful card came from same family who gave me this

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter! 

21 March 2016

Hunny Bunny Easter Treat

Today, a little Easter craft that doubles as a token to share.

We're not making cookies! I took out these cookie cutters to use as a pattern. 

I trace the body of the gingerbread boy onto paper.

I'll replace the boy's head with a bunny face.

Now we have a bunny! TADA!

Of course, as an alternative, you can draw one freehand or download a stencil from the web.

Time to personalize with paint.

Add a chocolate egg to the center. Secure it with double-sided tape. 

Fold the bunny's arms and attach these to the edges of the chocolate egg with more tape or hot glue. 

It's like the bunny is hugging the chocolate.

And he's ready to give it to you! TADA!

Have a Happy Easter!

14 March 2016

Easter Cupcakes

Easter is coming up on March 27. And I thought it proper to share a seasonally-appropriate craft, 'no? 

Let's turn these cupcakes from blah to TADA!

I'm using these candy eggs and vanilla frosting to decorate the cupcakes.

The vanilla frosting is tinted in a light shade of green using food color. I'm using decorating tip #233 to give a grass effect.

Once the grass has been piped, just top with the eggs.

I like the pastel speckles on the eggs!

Another version uses flowers made of royal icing.

A small yellow accent to herald spring.

These cupcakes are ready to party!

07 March 2016

Dainty Gift Tags

Hi there everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

Today, I am inspired by this gift tag. Ain't it pretty? Pretty enough that you don't need any gift wrap.

I'll make my own version using scrapbook paper, cardstock, and these paper flowers.

I trimmed the cardstock and the scrapbook paper to my desired size. I rounded the edges using a craft punch. I attached them together with glue.

I attached the flowers with a hot glue gun.

Then, with watercolor, I painted on some celebratory words.

I added some twine to make it easy to attach to any present.

Got any plain cardstock lying around? Turn them from blah to TADA!

29 February 2016

Pretty Pins

Happy Monday! I hope you had a delightful weekend.

Can I share a few finds with you?

These are some pins that I purchased last year. I got them at the Columbus Circle Christmas Market in New York City. The lady who owned the booth sold all sorts of vintage jewelry. I chose the quarter-sized pin because it had my initial. It felt like it belonged to me when I picked it up.  

The longer pin, on the other hand, reminded me of something my mom and my aunts owned. Just a little bit of nostalgia.

Who wears pins these days? Well, here's how I would incorporate them in my wardrobe:

I would use it to secure a spring scarf around my neck. This works like a piece of jewelry, instead of wearing a pendant.

The long pin is always handy expecially for wrap blouses or dresses that don't seem to come with a button in the decolletage area. It's a cute accent piece, too.

Now, don't you agree that pins turn blah to TADA!?