One can easily get absorbed in a good magazine -- intelligent articles, mouthwatering recipes, stunning photography and mesmerizing fashion! There's no doubt that you can find so much inspiration in this kind of publication.
When you're ready to get rid of a magazine, flip through the pages and cut out your favorite words and pictures. Glue them on a blank sheet of colored paper and Tada!:
When you're ready to get rid of a magazine, flip through the pages and cut out your favorite words and pictures. Glue them on a blank sheet of colored paper and Tada!:
Another option is to put together a list of positive phrases. Frame this. Hang it in your office. Look at it every morning. Use it as your morning pep talk. That way you can face the day with lots of enthusiasm and you can ignore any negativity that threatens you.
Sending positive energy your way! See you again tomorrow!
Sending positive energy your way! See you again tomorrow!