Hi there! Here's another find from the
Kate's Paperie warehouse sale:
It's a Word Stamp Kit.
From the original price of $22.00,
I got it for only $2.00!
Inside the tin case is a large ink pad and a handle made
of wood on one side, metal on the other.
Here are rubber stamps of travel-related words.
The goal is to make up phrases using these words.
The back side of the rubber stamps are magnetized
so they attach to the metal side of the handle,
making stamping easier.
Use it for making labels or telling stories on scrapbooks.
But hey, let's step out of the box and do some
blah to TADA!
blah: a cloth pouch once used as packaging
Let's make it TADA! by adding a cheerful message.
Compose a note using the magnetic words and
experiment on a lay-out.
Attach the the stamps to the handle, apply a generous
amount of pigment from the ink pad and stamp away.
TADA! A thoughtful gift that you can fill with
handy snacks and other travel necessities.