12 November 2010

Monogram Cards

Hooray, it's Friday!

Here's my final idea to turn this blah paper bag into Tada!

Cut out the letters from the branding on the bag.
Attach your preferred letter onto card stock
or a blank index card using a glue stick.

And Tada! -- you have your own monogrammed cards
without spending a fortune.

Have an awesome weekend!

11 November 2010

Gorgeous Gift Tag

Happy Thursday!
Thanks for stopping by today.

If you've been visiting, you know that
I'm finding new uses for this blah paper bag.

For the past two days, I've been using the letters
from the brand name.

Today, I have another version:

Tada! Gorgeous gift tags that you can use
even if your name doesn't begin with "B".

Because there will always be a "B" in your life: "Blessings",
"Beauty" and "Breathtaking moments".

10 November 2010

Note Worthy

I'm giving new life to an old, blah paper bag this week.

Even the letters from the brand name can be used.

Tada! Mini note cards with an initial.

The card is an unlined index card decorated in front
with gift wrap and scrapbook paper remnants,
topped with the letter cut-out.

I'm giving these to my dear friend Arlene.
Oh, I should make a set for Aileen, too.
And Annie.
And Angela also.

Uh-oh, I've got to get started!
See you tomorrow.

09 November 2010

Just for You

The holidays are on my mind.
Making my list. Checking it twice.
Shopping for presents & accumulating
a few too many paper bags.

Thus this week's blah.

Yesterday, I punched out circles from the blank areas
of the paper bag, which I made into gift tags.

Today, I'll use the letters from the brand name.

I spelled out names of my friends,
glued them on trimmed index cards &
accessorized with glitter & a ball chain.

All I need to do is add it to my wrapped gift.

Instant & inventive personalization!

08 November 2010

Paper Bag Make-over

Last year, I challenged myself to find new
uses for this paper bag.

Well, I'm up for another paper bag make-over
since I've got a lot of them stashed in the
coat closet (I never throw them away!).

Blah: a white paper bag

Punch out circles using this helpful tool
or draw circles on the paper bag (with the aid
of a can) and cut away.

Tada! Gift tags that I can use for the holidays!

Decorate them in different ways.
{I used punched out paper that I glued on.}

But go ahead and add stickers, sequins, glitter
or have the kids draw on them.

05 November 2010

Paper Pompoms

Extra cupcake liners hiding in your cupboard.
Can you relate?

You could bake with them again.
Or you craft with them!

Blah but cute.

Tada! and cuter!

Fashion them into pompoms by
bunching up & stapling the ends,
attaching them together with hot glue
and finishing off with string.

Do the same with these paper liners -- left over
from an empty box of truffles.

More pompoms in a different color.

Hang them on your desk or a window sill
to add some fun & festivity to an
ordinary day!

Have a happy weekend!

04 November 2010

Props for Pops

If you've ever made cupcakes or muffins but don't make them
regularly, you're left with a stack of paper liners.

Well, I've got another idea for you!

Turn them from blah...

...to Tada!

Make a small hole at the bottom of the cupcake liner,
attach this to a popsicle to catch any messy drips & spills.

I got this idea from the fabulous Donna Hay.
It was such a Tada! idea, I needed to pass it on!

03 November 2010

Jolly Jar Lids

All this week, I'm finding new uses for left-over cupcake liners.

From blah...

They become Tada!

Use them as decorative jar covers for your
homemade jams, jellies & pickled veggies.

Or in this case, your prized candy...

Or favorite coffee flavor that you might
want to share with your friends.

Makes a wonderful holiday gift, don't you think?

02 November 2010

Cheerful Cards

I found some cupcake liners in my pantry.
And I thought, "This would be great to turn
from blah to Tada!"

So I used these to embellish handmade greeting cards.

The cards are made out of brown paper bags.

All you need are pens, scissors, glue, glitter and
a wild imagination to make it your own!

01 November 2010

Cupcake Liners

Happy new week everyone!
I've been puttering around the kitchen
and look what I found:

Unused cupcake liners left-over from an afternoon of baking.
And since I don't have enough to make another
batch of cupcakes, I'm using them for
a week of craft projects!

From blah, they're now Tada!
I've turned them into award medallions!

Use these for school or office contests,
give them as awards or attach them to prizes!

Have a great day!

29 October 2010

Happy Halloween!

I figure you're busy putting the finishing
touches on your Halloween costume or decor and
buying your tricks & treats to give away.

Don't forget the candy bucket for the kids
the haul in the loot!

Today, let's revisit some of my blah-to-Tada!
crafts from last year:

A bucket made from an empty yogurt tub.

Here's another version made from a cleaned out

And this bag is made from an old tank top.
Blah to Tada!

Have a fantastic weekend and a
Happy Halloween everyone!

28 October 2010

Halloween Treats

This week, we're gearing up for Halloween and
re-visiting a few blahs for a new set of Tadas!

Remember what I made out of toilet paper rolls?
Let's make something timely for fright night.

Blah: empty toilet paper rolls

Tada!: Halloween treat containers!
The paper rolls are wrapped in black & white (or orange)
paper, tied at the top with thread & decorated with
a scary sticker. These are filled with treats:

Tiny pumpkin erasers

Small Dracula erasers


And lots of stickers!

I can't wait to hand these out on Halloween!

27 October 2010

Halloween Decor

Halloween is this weekend and while you may be
busy putting your or your kids' costumes together,
have you thought of decorations for
the trick or treaters who will be
stopping by your place?

Blah: fabric softener sheets that
came out of the dryer.
No use for them anymore.

Tada! Halloween buntings to hang on a doorway,
windowsill or ceiling.

Get the kids to help you by drawing Halloween
characters on the dryer sheet with
a permanent marker.

Happy crafting!

26 October 2010

Creative Cobwebs

Several weeks ago, I turned these fabric softener sheets from blah to TADA!
Well, I have another idea that's perfect for Halloween.

blah: used dryer sheets

Tada!: creepy cobwebs!

All you need to do is stretch the dryer sheet in different areas. Stretch them lightly or stretch them with force, let the ends fray...until they look like cobwebs.

Use them to decorate the front door, a window or a table.

If you don't have dark fabric, use a black garbage bag to line the table. Lay on your cobwebs and add your tricks and treats!

You can go here if you want to learn how to make the "boo" candy pail.