02 December 2011

Crafting a Blanket

How are you my dears?

Do you recognize this Peanuts character popularized by Charles Schulz? He's Linus and he's known for carrying a security blanket. See how much comfort he's getting by snuggling his blanket and sucking his thumb? So cute.

Linus is the inspiration for Project Linus, an organization that provides "security through blankets", where handmade blankets are distributed to seriously ill and traumatized children, ages ranging from zero to 18.

Maybe you'd like to make a blanket for a child?

All blanket styles are welcome: quilts, tied comforters, fleece blankets, crocheted or knitted afghans or receiving blankets in child-friendly colors. As long as they are new, handmade, washable and come from smoke-free environments.

For more information, you can check the Project Linus website, join or start a chapter in your area and spread a little love through blankets.

I hope you found my list of crafting for a cause helpful. If you know of other groups with the same mission, I'd love to hear about it. Meanwhile, I wish you a restful weekend!

01 December 2011

Stitch and Craft

There are different reasons why we craft. Whether we do it as a hobby or as a business, we find joy while making something with our hands and a have a sense of fulfillment when we finish. Some of us craft to help others just like Craft Hope. It's a group of crafters headed by Jade Sims who make handmade gifts for those who need them.

The most recent project the group completed
was turning blah pairs of socks...

...into TADA! sock monkeys!
{photo c/o Craft Hope}

These sock monkeys will go to children who lost their homes in the Texas wildfires. Their past projects include dresses made out of pillowcases sent to an orphanage in Mexico, dolls made for orphans in Nicaragua and baby blankets for newborns in India.

I thought this concept was mind blowing... a humble craft that brings hope across the world! If you browse their pictures, you'll see how many kind crafters enthusiastically take part.

They've completed their projects for 2011 but I think we should be involved next year! If you're interested, keep checking the Craft Hope website or Facebook page, look under "Current Projects", leave a comment and start crafting...because I know that the dolls that we sewed, the hats we crocheted and the quilts that we assembled will change a child's life.

30 November 2011

Crafting a Card

One of the things I like to make are greeting cards. They are fun to do and even more fun to give away. Here are some I've made in the past year from blah materials:

made from scraps of felt

created from old magazine pages

handmade using salt dough and old make-up

If you also fancy making greeting cards, may I encourage you to make some for a few seniors? I came across the organization called DOROT at a the Winter's Eve event in New York City last year. A table was set up at the shops at Columbus Circle and everyone was encouraged to decorate a card. I was very pleased to make one, if only to cheer up an elderly brother/sister. I later found out that DOROT encourages volunteerism and they have a greeting card program throughout they year. If you are interested, you'll find the guidelines here. If you can't find the time this holiday season, maybe you can make some next year {birthday cards will be gladly accepted}. Once you've made the card/s, you can mail them with a volunteer return form {download it from here} to:

Attn: Card Making Project
171 West 85th Street
New York, NY 10024

Just imagine the smiles that will result from the cards you make!

29 November 2011

Crafting a Cake

Hi there everyone!

What was your favorite birthday memory as a child? I always remember birthday cakes, making a wish and blowing candles. It made me feel special when family and friends surrounded me at the table and sang me "Happy Birthday to you." I love birthday cakes, no matter how old the birthday celebrator is.

That's one of the reasons I learned how to bake cakes. I even took a cake decorating class last year.

Here's the first cake I ever decorated. I need a little more practice. It's a good skill to have and a homemade cake is always TADA!, don't you think?

And since we're focusing on crafting for a cause this week, let me tell you about Sweet Blessings. It's a non-profit organization that hopes to provide a happy birthday for children aged 5 to 14 living in poverty or going through life-threatening illnesses. The kind folks behind Sweet Blessings do this by making birthday cakes for these kids. Here's a sample:

They're not the grocery store-bought cakes as you can see. They're fun, colorful, multi-tiered and made of fondant! A cake that will surely make a child's birthday extra, extra special. And you know what? These cakes are made, decorated and delivered by volunteers! Hooray for that!

Now if only I lived in the area {they're based in Lexington, Kentucky}, I would gladly help out. Maybe this can serve as an inspiration for you to do something similar in the city that you live in -- at a hospital, an orphanage or school. But if you're generous, you can make a donation to Sweet Blessings, too.

May you have a wonderful day!

28 November 2011

Crafting for a Cause

Happy new week everyone!

It's officially the start of the holiday season and I'm thinking you're crossing off names on your gift list and starting to decorate your homes.

I'm not sure if crafting is on your To Do list, unless you're making presents to give away or selling them at craft fairs. It's a super busy season after all.

But what if it's crafting for a cause? Would you find time to do it? This week, I'll give you a few options to give some love away during the holidays.

Would you like to craft a letter?

Write a letter to Santa Claus & help make
wishes come true.

With childlike faith and wonder, write Santa a letter, put it in an envelope addressed to Santa At The North Pole. Put a stamp on it and take it to a Macy's Department Store in your town.

Look for the big red mailbox and drop in your letter. Macy's will count all the letters in the mailbox and for each letter received, they will donate $1 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation {up to $1,000,000!}. Then, the letters will be delivered to the Post Office for mailing to Santa.

Together, we'll collect a million reasons to believe!

Make this a family activity...who knows, Santa may just grant your wish for being an awfully good girl/boy! That's definitely TADA!

25 November 2011

Thank You Friday

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!
I wish you many, many more reasons
to say "Thanks".

Have a happy shopping weekend!

24 November 2011

Giving Thanks

We are celebrating Thanksgiving and next to Christmas, Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday. I like it because I get to participate: watching the life-size balloons at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, preparing Thanksgiving dinner {even if I'm just a guest at the party} and saying a prayer of thanks for life's provisions. How many of these things do you do when Labor Day or Memorial Day comes around? At Thanksgiving, I feel truly engaged.

"Thank You" is one of the best things anyone can ever hear and even say. That's why I'm starting a tradition of sending a thank you letter to a random person who has turned my life from blah to TADA!.

I've dipped my hand in my greeting card box and selected these Thank You cards. I already delivered them to two special people: Nurse Monika and Nurse Anne Marie. You see, I had a medical procedure in October. Don't worry, nothing life-threatening. I'm blessed to say that the procedure went well and I'm in good health. Hooray! But that was a scary period for me, filling me with anxiety. Monika and Anne Marie were kind, gentle, enthusiastic. They made me feel safe and reassured me that I was going to be alright. Isn't that what anyone needs when one is afraid? Plus they were very busy. They could have easily ignored me or taken a business-like stance, but they didn't. I just had to say THANK YOU to them and I said so in my Thank You cards.

Many people do their jobs 100% but don't get any appreciation at all. If they made your day easier and did so cheerfully, why not say THANK YOU? It's not hard at all. Thanksgiving Day is the perfect day to do it.

I hope to make this THANK YOU CARD a yearly tradition, as often as I can {not just on Thanksgiving}.

To all of you, dear readers, THANK YOU for being the TADA! to my blog and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!