10 December 2018

Easy Holiday Gift Tags

I know these days are busy, so thank you for stopping by to read my post! 

Today, I'm playing with these craft stamps. The theme is just positive: joy, love, peace, and hope. 

These can be used anytime of the year, but more appropriately for the holiday season when we want to spread good wishes.

I'm recycling some cardboard (the one that's unprinted on both sides). I used a craft punch to make the circle but if you don't have one, use a bottle or can, trace this on the cardboard, and cut around it.

Stamp the image on the cardboard.

TADA! Joy with all its flourishes!

Punch a hole on top and add some ribbon or baker's twine.

Easy, instant tags for all your carefully chosen and beautifully wrapped gifts...TADA!

03 December 2018

How To: Holiday Gift Box

Hi there! How is your holiday shopping coming along? Today, I've got some inspiration for gift wrapping.

It starts with cheese...

I was ready to throw this box away. It packaged individally-wrapped cheese wedges. Then I thought, "This makes a good candidate for a blah to TADA! project".

I really liked its shape and the cardboard is quite sturdy.

I took off the sticker labels on both sides and replaced them with these festive cardboard circles (made from scrapbook paper and traced with a can).

I used All Purpose Glue to attach them to the box.

While letting this dry, I made some embellishments:

An image using rubber stamps, an ink pad, and kraft paper.

I cut around the image and attached it to the box with more glue.

With some natural twine, I made a handle.

I inserted it through the existing hole and made a few knots to secure it.

Inside, I tucked in a little present (wrapped in gift tissue).

And here is my holiday gift box...TADA!

Washi tape on the outer rim will keep the box closed until Christmas Eve.

Happy shopping, happy wrapping!

27 November 2018

Travel Tags

Nice to see you guys today!

I found this chocolate wrapper too cute to throw away. So I saved it and transformed it into...

A luggage tag...TADA!

I still had some paper left-over for a new craft.

We'll need these acrylic key rings (I got them from the craft store).

You can put anything inside like photos or kiddie drawings.

I cut two rectangles out of the chocolate wrapper.

Then I put them inside the key chain frame and locked it in place with the acrylic backing.

Raaka Chocolate, chocolate packaging, blah to TADA!, graphic design, paper crafts, upcycle
Now, I've got a luggage tag and matching key chain in this chic, graphic print...TADA!

26 November 2018

A New Luggage Tag

One of the things I always keep in my pantry is a bar of dark chocolate. Whenever the craving hits, I know I have a hidden stash that'll hit the spot.

Plus points if the chocolate bar is artisinal and beautifully wrapped!

This one originates from Brooklyn. The pattern imprint on the chocolate shows that no detail was compromised.

Even the inside of the package tells a story.

I always, always save pretty packaging. They're very useful for crafting.

Raaka Chocolate, chocolate bar, artisinal chocolate, food packaging, blah to TADA!
 Today, I made another luggage tag out of it. Here's how:

I bought these self-laminating luggage tags on-line.

Cut a piece of the package to match the size of the ID card.

Glue the paper onto the ID card.

 Fill out your information on the other side.

Insert the card between the plastic, carefully seal to close, and attach the handle through the slot.

Tigre Oliva Chocolate, Theo Philo Chocolate, Raaka Chocolate, chocolate bar, artisinal chocolate, food packaging, blah to TADA!
I have a new luggage tag ready for my next trip. And these ones are all made from chocolate wrappers...TADA!

Please stop by tomorrow for another idea. See you then!

22 November 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

I am very grateful to sit down, give thanks, and enjoy a sumptous meal with family. I wish you and yours good health and an abundant table (today and everyday). Happy Thanksgiving! 

19 November 2018

Simple Living and Easy Napkin Ties

Kinfolk is a magazine that I've followed for many years now because of their clean, calm aesthetic and back-to-basics approach to living. I discovered that they have books, too!

One of the books is The Kinfolk Home featuring houses from all over the world that embody slow living. They define slow living as "an ethos that encourages us to reclaim our time and devote it to whatever brings us joy and meaning." It also means, "cultivating community, simplifying our lives, and reclaiming our leisure time."

The photography is beautiful and the profiles are thoughtful. It makes me want to redecorate! 

These homes have a lot of natural light and are filled with meaningful objects.

They use a neutral palette and there are a lot of accents made from wood and other natural materials.

They use plants inside and outdoors. 

Rooms are clutter-free.

Entertaining at home is also non-fussy. 

It's more about togetherness instead of "putting on a show" with fancy food and table settings.

Inspired by what I saw and read in these pages, I'd like to share this blah to TADA! idea with you.

These are paper bag handles but you're welcome to use any cord, twine or ribbon. 

We'll re-use these as napkin ties.

Simply roll up a napkin with the cord underneath it.

Slip the ends into the loop...

 Then pull to tighten.

Now, we've got an elegant accent for a Mininimalist table setting for every day or the coming holidays...TADA!