Hello everyone! I have an extra blog post this week because it's Day 100 of #100DayProject...TADA!
"The 100 Day Project " is an on-line art project: choose a project, do it for 100 days, and show off your progress on Instagram.
Given our current situation, I chose the theme, "100 Days of Silver Linings". I needed a distractraction from uncertainty, something to allow me a bit of productivity, and hallmarks of hope amidst the heartache.
I trimmed watercolor paper into 3-inch by 3-inch squares until I had 100 blank canvases. The front is for the artwork.
It's important to document them so that I won't ever forget.
I used my favorite tools that I've owned for many years.
I hunted for stories of hope and kindness everywhere -- on social media and in the news (no matter how bad the headlines were, the broadcast always ended with a positive story).
Here are the random acts of kindness from all over the world: people wanting to reach out to their neighbor whether they knew them or not.
Solidarity in light shows, multi-city flybys, a Space X launch, Fourth of July fireworks, and on-line entertainment.
In June, the pandemic and peaceful protests crossed paths.
Thankfully, there have been small changes brought about by these protests like a greater awareness of the prejudices black lives go through on a daily basis. Reforms to some police departments have also been implemented. And the creative community has been supportive of black-owned businesses and are rallying in amplifying black voices. It's a long way to go but it's a start.
There were days when it was difficult to sketch because all the good news was overshadowed by the bad. But there were times I would make 3 sketches a day because the stories I came across were very uplifting.
And now that I've completed my 100 Day Project, I won't stop there. I'll keep searching for these stories.
Let's each do our part.
Let's be extra kind.
And let's remain hopeful that things will get better very soon.