Hello there! I hope you had a meaningful and restorative Thanksgiving break.
Maybe you've also started to usher in the holidays with decorations and gift shopping. Why not consider supporting small businesses to keep them afloat? Like the shops on ETSY. They have these thoughtful TV ads that are all about making connections amidst social distancing, personalization, and inclusivity, and I think that's TADA!
Today, I am happy to share a passion project.
I'm calling it "Crafts for a Cause."
Crafting has always been a hobby for me and this time I want to use it to bring joy to strangers. Who knows, I might be able to cheer someone up especially during these times. Here'a a short video introducing "Crafts for a Cause":
For my first project, I picked up some rocks:
I cleaned them...
And with paint, I turned them from blah to TADA!
It's an easy activity for little kids or art-challenged grown-ups.
I decorated each rock with uplifting words and images.
And I left them around my neighborhood like the park, the playground, the ball field, and on the path by the river. I hope that they will be like Easter eggs, a surprise for people while they are taking a walk or exercising.
I made a video of the entire process. Here, take a look:
Those who find the painted rocks are welcome to take them home or leave them for others to find. If I am able to make them smile, that will make me very satisfied.
A few days after I left the rocks in the park, someone posted this on our community Facebook Group:
I don't know her (and I'm not sure if I should reply or remain anonymous) but this really turned my day from blah to TADA!
In the coming months, I'll share more of my "Crafts for a Cause."
Stay safe and take care!