17 February 2011

Think Positive

On my blog this week, it's all about pretty journals & how to
use them. Whether you fill it with recipes, notes or ideas,
these journals will hold all things important to you.

Here's another journal that I use everyday.
It's my gratitude journal.

I have one for every new year.

I fill it with positive quotes...

Life's little lessons...

God's promises & my daily prayers...

And most importantly, the blessings I
receive every day.

I believe that living a life of gratitude is TADA!

At the end of the year, I look through the journal and realize the many good things I've received. When I'm having a bad day or when I'm experiencing some self-doubt, all I need is to flip through these journals and instantly, the blah turns into TADA!

Have a nice day!

16 February 2011

A Book of Inspiration

Hello and thanks for coming over today!

I've told you before that I adore magazines and have accumulated stacks of them. But there comes a time when one has to let go. It's not the easiest thing to do that's why I find new uses for them, from gift tags, embellishments and useful containers.

Sometimes, I simply tear an inspiring page or cut a beautiful image from a magazine.

And look, I've whittled my magazine stack
down to another stack, albeit a smaller one.
Still a blah.

Good thing I have a few blank
journals like this one to the rescue.

I attach the magazine cut-outs
to the journal pages with glue.

This is my Fashionista Journal.

I'm such a plain dresser, I seriously need to add some TADA! to my daily wardrobe. Photos from fashion glossies & catalogs provide visual cues on how to style an outfit. At the back page, I make a list of things I need to add to my closet {ex. black boots, a cocktail dress, a formal watch}. On days when I feel I have nothing to wear, I look through this journal for some needed inspiration.

This is my Blogger's Journal.

It has articles about starting a blog, notes about maintaining a blog, as well as ideas for weekly themes & future entries. It contains crazy sketches and post-it notes with even more lists. Organized chaos is what it is!

This is my Inspiration Journal.

It contains a lot of odds & ends like flower arrangements, baby/bridal shower gift options, and a brainstorm for if I decide to start a business one day.

Some of the stuff I've placed in these journals have yet to see the light of day. But as the saying goes, "If you build it, they will come." These journals just happen to be the master plans.

I hope I helped you find uses for any empty journals or expired date books you may have lying around.

15 February 2011

Museum Madness

I think I've mentioned before that I fancy museums. It's one of the must-sees whenever I'm in a new city. Museums have colorful stories. Museums are full of inspiration!

It's standard for me to pick up a floor plan when I begin. This helps me strategize. Where should I go first? Are there special exhibitions? How can I avoid the crowds? Where's the gift shop? The floor plan has been proven useful in more ways than one:

This is what my museum map looks
like at the end of my visit.

I like to take notes, put a star on my
favorites & mark the ones I've seen.

This method helps me remember.
I know. It's messy. So blah.

And because the theme of my blog entries this
week is pretty journals & what to do with them,
I thought this blank notebook already had
its work cut out for it.

I just had to make it official.

I found these tags at the Martha Stewart
holiday craft fair last December.
It's made of sturdy kraft board &
has matching baker's twine!

I used it with rubber stamps to make a label.

Then I attached it to the notebook.

I'll take this notebook to my next
museum excursions.

I'm excited to fill it up with notes,
sketches and, who knows, the
autograph of a great artist!

14 February 2011

Lovely Journals

Happy Monday!
I hope you a had a thrilling weekend.
In my neck of the woods, the sun was out,
the temperatures higher and that's
a definitely a TADA!

Do you like journals?
I like them a lot.

I make sure to stop and say HELLO
to these beautiful blank books when
I'm at a bookshop or paper goods store.

I've picked some up over the years & I really
use them, even if sometimes I think they're
too pretty for scribbling random thoughts.
I'll show you all this week how I'm filling
them up, beginning with this one:

TADA! -- A Kitchen Journal.
{The cover had a lot to do with
the choice for use.}

I designed a mission statement for
the inside front cover.

It's full of recipes I want to try &
keep making over and over.
{Actual recipe cards, hand-written &
clipped from magazines}

It also has inspirations for entertaining
and presenting food with style.

It's now getting too fat, it needs its own shelf.
Or maybe I should start Volume II.

See you tomorrow for more ideas.
And by the way,
Happy Valentine's Day!

11 February 2011

A Winter Walk

All this week, I was ranting about how winter
can be such a blah and how I cope
while staying indoors.

Today, I'm celebrating winter's TADAs!

C'mon, take a walk with me.

I think winter is TADA! after the
snow has fallen and the ground is
immaculately white.

Even if the holidays are over,
it still looks like Christmas
when snow settles on the trees.

Shadows are more dramatic
on an icy, white canvas.

Winter can be quite solitary,
but it's good to drown in one's
thoughts sometimes.

But the biggest TADA! of winter...

...the promise of spring!

Happy Friday Lovelies.

10 February 2011

Snuggly Soft

Are you experiencing winter weather
where you live?

Do you think the cold, dark days are blah or TADA?
I try my best to deal with it with hot drinks
and soft things.

Including this nice and cuddly throw.
A TADA! if I should say so myself.

It warms me up on the sofa as I
watch a romantic comedy or
devour a fabulous book.

I wish you a beautiful Thursday!

09 February 2011

Wear a Hug

Oh winter, sometimes you make me feel so blah.

Sure, you're pretty to look at,
but slushy roads and below zero
temperature ain't fun. Sigh.

Thank goodness for fleece robes
that keep me warm & toasty.
No doubt a TADA! in my book!