Hey, hey, I'm excited to see you today!
Maybe you've had your share of fortune cookies, free on nights we depend on Chinese take-out or delivery?
I do love to snack on them.
And I can't resist the fortune inside.
Sometimes it provides wisdom.
Or a prophecy.
Or even an affirmation.
And some will make you wonder..."Ummm...what?"
I don't know if I'm being superstitious, but I've saved all my fortunes.
Here are a few ways to turn these paper fortunes from blah to TADA!:
Let's say we're wrapping a present like this pretty pearl bangle. It's tucked inside a mesh pouch but I want to protect it a little bit more, both to cushion it and to add a layer of surprise. We can wrap it in paper...
Or we can use the fortunes to do that job. It's like sharing your "good fortune" to your friend...TADA!
Here is another idea if you're into paper crafts:
With stickers and ephemera, use the fortunes to decorate handmade cards or scrapbook pages.
If it's a good reminder for you, it's a good reminder for others, too.
Let the fortune do the talking...TADA!
That is how I turned ordinary fortune sheets from blah to TADA!
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