13 October 2011

NYC Souvenir

You've heard it before: you can find
inspiration everywhere.

This week, I'm looking for
inspiration in catalogs that
I get free in the mail.

This shop carries a lot of young and
modern pieces for the home.

They have some cool artwork
like this one:
It's a typical New York scene.
The artist captures the city's energy,
vitality and fast pace.

I'm taking this cue for my
own humble piece of art.

blah: black & white photos I took of New York
City {they've been sitting in a box for ages}

blah: wood backing salvaged from an old picture frame
{the glass broke}

I picked a photo from the pile: the "Imagine"
mosaic, taken in Central Park. It's a tribute
to John Lennon.

It's my favorite because the word
gives you permission to escape to
your version of an ideal world.

The photo and printed paper
{to cover the gaps}
were attached to the wood
with acid-free/photo safe glue.

It's very New York but more subdued
compared to the art it was
inspired by.

Artwork that's handmade.
Artwork that inspires.


  1. Oh Claire I have photos that need exactly that end result! Can you come do them for me? :)
    I love that too.."Imagine"..it gives you permission to escape to your version of an ideal world."

  2. Hi Betty! I'll be glad to come over for an afternoon of crafting :) I'll bring the cookies & tea! Always IMAGINE Betty! :)


Your comments are very much appreciated!