20 April 2020

The Flower Ladies

Springtime has always been magic for me. It's a miracle that I get to witness year after year when the earth comes back to life after a lengthy, somber winter.

I'm inspired by all the blooming bushes and trees outside. What a shame that we can't fully appreciate them because we have to stay home to stay safe. I continue to hunker down and I made a few paintings. 

I used these stamps by Jane Davenport.

I mounted them on acrylic blocks and inked with a stamp pad to create this series I fondly call, "The Flower Ladies":

The sketches are my humble way to preserve the flowers I see, as well as to admire our beautiful nature.  

Flower-inspired stamps and sketches
I hope these will encourage you to make your own work of art...TADA!

13 April 2020

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Hey guys, nice to see you today!

Did you know that April is "National Letter Writing Month?" It's very old-fashioned but that's where the charm lies. The ritual of choosing stationery and a fine pen, expressing your thoughts on paper and in your handwriting. Signing it, sealing it, and taking it to the post office for a proper stamp so the letter arrives to your beloved.  

I love writing letters and I love receiving letters, too! Even at this time where technology is at our fingertips and on instant voice command.

I was reading this article entitled "What's Your E-mail Sign-Off?" and I found it quite amusing. It also received a lot of reader comments...boy, it's a hot topic!

It made me pause and think of how I signed my correspondence. 

Here's what I often use:

I sign with this most of the time because it's very celebratory, regardless of my relationship with who I'm writing to.

I use this if I'm signing a formal note, a business transaction or if I'm writing to someone I do not personally know.

I end with this if I'm writing to a very dear friend. 

White jademagnolie Picture size: 38 x 38 cm Technique: Ink painting Color: black and white Hand-painted unique Artist's signature and stamp Hand painted original Unikat direct from the artist Tailai Zhang
via Etsy
Inspired by the red seal found on Chinese brush paintings, I thought I might add a little something extra to my handwritten letters.

A cute stamp like this one:

I bought this set of cuddly panda stamps at the craft store.

I mounted them on an acrylic block for an easy grip.

With a generous amount of ink, I stamped them on paper and added a signature:

Hopefully my friends receiving the letter will feel all warm and fuzzy...TADA! And I'm pretty sure they all need it right now until it's safe to meet and hug again. 

Maybe we can write some cards and letters while we're social distancing? It will cheer up those feeling isolated and will help the post office tremendously.

12 April 2020

Easter Greetings!

With all that's going on, we have to forgo our traditions like family gatherings, photos with the Easter bunny, and egg hunts. But let's not forget what this season is about: hope, miracles, and the promise of new beginnings.

Hang in there guys! We're all in this together!

06 April 2020

The 100 Day Project

Have you guys heard of the 100 Day Project? It's a free art project that takes place online. All you have to do is choose a project, do it every day for 100 days, and share your process on Instagram with the hashtag #The100DayProject.

After I completed it in 2017, I promised myself to "Do Something Creative Everyday" as a form of relaxation and to practice my art. I've been pretty successful in keeping that promise even if the days are busy or I'm not in the right mood. The secret is to stick with simple projects. 

Here are my go-to crafts, reminiscent of when we were children:

Coloring Books
I like to use watercolor, colored pencils or felt-tipped pens instead of crayons for easier layering and shading.

I still love buying stickers for scrapbooking, making handmade cards, and decorating packages. Stickers are one of life's little pleasures!

Rubber Stamps and Inks
I must admit, I have a big collection of rubber stamps and I use them in my Bullet journal, on fabric and even ceramics...TADA!

Clay Crafts
Maybe it's the soothing feeling of the clay between my hands or the possibility of making something out of nothing is what makes clay crafts very satisfying. 

Stencil Art
Tracing shapes or letters using stencils was always fun for me. And I use this technique to this day, even making my own stencils here, here, and here.  

Spiral Art
How many of us had this iconic toy when we were little? It's a tool to make spiral art! I bought this at the Dollar Store for nostalgia's sake. 

Each of these plastic coins glide around the perforations in the circle to create unique shapes. Pen colors can also be switched up to add more character. 

The repeating circles can be hypnotic and and quite relaxing.

And instantly, I've created my version of modern art...TADA!

All these crafts take a minimum of 10 minutes, very simple and low commitment ways to turn blah to TADA! but have long-lasting benefits.

Would you like to participate in the 100 Day Project? Now would be a good time because we have nowhere to go but to shelter-in-place. It officially starts tomorrow, April 7 (but you can start anytime you want). If you're curious, you can find more information here.  

I'll be participating right with you. My project is "100 Days of Silver Linings". If you're not familiar, "Silver Linings" refers to a "sign of hope in an unfortunate or gloomy situation."

Everyday, I will seek out stories of hope and make a watercolor rendition of what I find.  I'll share my progress in a future post.

Be safe and make art!

30 March 2020

Crafty Recycling

Are you having cabin fever yet? 

We live in difficult times because of the Coronavirus and staying at home is the most responsible thing to do. Last week, I shared some easy crafts to keep us productive. Need more ideas? Below are a few more. 

If you scrounge around your home, you'll most likely find the basic materials. Now is the time to be creative and resourceful!

1. Scavenger Hunt

This is a fun activity to do with young children.

Take an empty paper bag and attach a list of items that you can find around your home. Give one bag to each child and tell them they need to go a-hunting. You can offer a prize, too.

When they find the item, they have to put it in the bag and cross it off the list. It's also a sneaky way to get them to clean up their mess...TADA!

Recycle empty boxes like this tea box. Tap out the box and wipe the inside with a dry cloth.  

Paint it. Decorate it (with stickers, magazine cut-outs or markers). Then add a handle made from cardboard...TADA! 

Make it with your daughter and she'll have a "pretend grown-up" bag that she can stuff with little toys. Or use it as a gift box to be filled and given away when we can finally be out and about.

This idea lets us re-purpose those boxes from on-line shopping. 

A box with a flip-top lid is ideal, but if all you have is the regular one that opens in the middle, that works, too. 

Cover the box with magazine pages attached using regular glue. Then add more paper cut-outs to add color and character. You can also use gift wrapping paper if that's what you have.

Use the box to store anything from cards and letters, stationery or accessories...TADA! 

A little tidying up is another way to keep us occupied during this time of community quarantine.

This easy craft might come in hand-y (pardon the pun)! Trace your hand on a piece of sturdy cardboard and cut around it.

Find a sturdy base such as several cardboard sheets stacked together and attached with hot glue. Or a thick wood coaster/trivet that you're no longer using. Then attach the cardboard hand to the base with more hot glue. Let the glue dry for several minutes. Paint it and allow to dry for several hours.

Use it to keep your rings neat and easy to find...TADA!

If you have these gift wrapping tissue saved from recently opened presents, dry cleaning, or packaging (from your on-line shopping), turn them into paper flowers...TADA! You'll find the detailed instructions here

If you don't have wire (for the stem), use those take-out chopsticks or drinking straws in your junk drawer. Since we can't go out to buy flowers, let's make the flowers ourselves! We don't want our vases to be sad and empty, right?

Here's something you can find in your closet:

Maybe you've got an old t-shirt that's ready to retire.

Give it new life as a shoe bag...TADA! Sew the three edges together, keep the top open, and attach some cord to make a draw-string opening. You don't need a sewing machine as long as you have needle and thread. You'll find the tutorial hereAnd when life goes back to normal and we'll all be able to travel again, this shoe bag is ready.

coronavirus pandemic

I know it's tough, but time at home is a gift. Use it to rest. Be with your family (or keep in touch if you're living far away or exercising social distancing). And do some crafty recycling

Be safe everyone!