Happy Monday Lovelies!
As much as I try to make small steps for Mama Earth,
I have to admit that I continue to use paper towels.
These are still necessary supplies for me.

But to ease the guilt, I've been recycling the empty rolls.

In my previous posts, I've made them into party favors.

And napkin rings.

And even a jewelry organizer.

This week, I've got a few more ideas to turn
these from blah to...

Turn it into a ribbon organizer!
If you have loose ribbons or ones saved
from gifts, simply gather them together and
let them hang out on an empty paper towel roll
until you're ready to use them.
Secure one end of the ribbon to the roll. Wind the
ribbon around the roll & tape the other end of the
ribbon to keep it from unraveling.
Also, creases on the ribbon will be avoided.

Store these "ribbon rolls" in a box or drawer.
Organization in an instant!
See you tomorrow.