Happy Friday my dear friends!

This week, I featured crafts from this
an inspiring blog.
Jason Thompson, the author, has this to say
{and it's one of my favorite lines}
about old & forgotten books:
Is there a purpose for some of these
unwanted books? Answering this question
leads us to artists, designers, and artisans
who appreciate books in a uniquely different
way. Although the fundamental parts of a
book might consist of pages and covers,
the artist's eye sees something more: raw
materials to create unique objects far
removed from the book form. To these
artists, books are resources to rearrange,
recycle, and re-imagine into
functional and decorative objects.
Apart from crafty ideas, the book also
highlights work by different artists.

If you think old books are blah,
take a look at these pieces and
I guarantee, you'll say "TADA!"

by Betty Pepper

by Betty Pepper

by Laura Cahill

by Laura Cahill

by Jill Sylvia

by Jill Sylvia

by Su Blackwell

by Su Blackwell

by Su Blackwell

by Robert The

by Robert The
Aren't these mind-blowing?
Oh the possibility of books!
Here's to a great weekend!